Comparative Literature Spring Reception / Fika with OUT OF SCANDINAVIA artist in residence Antti TuomainenApril 23 at 2:304 p.m.

Time: April 23 at 2:304 p.m.

Join students and faculty in the interdisciplinary Program in Comparative Literature for an informal conversation with award-winning crime fiction writer Antti Toumainen of Finland over coffee, tea and treats. This reception is open to everyone; come enjoy casual conversations and refreshments in a relaxed atmosphere with a major global author whose novels are being adapted into hilariously funny films and streaming series, including THE MAN WHO DIED (currently streaming on Prime Video/Acorn TV). And enjoy meeting others who also binge watch crime shows and enjoy film noir!

Photo gallery image named: antti_tuomainen_c_ville_juurikkala-scaled--2-.jpegPhoto gallery image named: 21568458_outofscandinavia_web.jpg