Circle K Babysitting NightFebruary 15, 2013 at 69 p.m.

Time: February 15, 2013 at 69 p.m.
Location:The Dive

Gustavus Faculty and Staff-

Enjoy a night out on Valentine's Day Weekend, leaving your kids in good hands and supporting a great cause. You are invited to a BABYSITTING NIGHT hosted by the Circle K Volunteer Organization at GAC.

WHAT: Babysitting Night

WHEN: Friday, February 15th, 2013 6pm-9pm

WHERE: The Dive (Basement of Student Union on Campus)

WHY: Fundraiser for Circle K International Gustavus Chapter

COST: $20/child for the evening, $30/family

REGISTER: By Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 to Lauren Rothschiller at with the following information: Child's name, age, parent cell phone numbers, any food/medical allergies we need to know.

DETAILS: We will provide children with a popcorn snack, games, movies, and crafts! May bring bag lunch for supper if desired. Walk-ins also acceptable. Checks made out to Circle K International.

Questions? Please contact our President Leslee Mahoney at or Secretary Lauren Rothschiller at

SponsorCircle K