Career March Madness MotivationsMarch 17 at 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Time: March 17 at 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Career March Madness Motivations

Discover what drives you and how it connects to your career path!

Event will be from Monday, March 10 to Friday, April 4.

TruMotivate is especially designed to bring the insight of motivation to students during an important time in their lives. Using your own stories, the TruMotivate assessment report not only reveals top 5 motivations, but contains links to help you explore their career options. This report is a tool that can help you articulate and give meaning to something that isn’t always so easily seen or understood. 

  • Use the QR code on the flyers to take the TruMotivate assessment
  • Stop in to Career weekly to make your predictions on the top Gustie motivations!

Drawings for weekly prizes, taking the assessment and more!

Photo gallery image named: career-flyer-8.5x11.png