Campus Open Meeting - HLC ReviewMarch 8, 2013 at 9–10 a.m.
March 8, 2013 at 9–10 a.m.
Location:Alumni North
All campus employees are encouraged to attend this open meeting to learn more about the upcoming Higher Learning Commission re-accreditation visit, which will occur Apr. 21-24. During the open meeting, members of the HLC steering committee will:
- answer any questions College employees have about the self study or the review process,
- describe the process that will occur while the review team is on campus and what we all can do to prepare, and
- provide sample questions the reviewers might ask of any of us while they are on campus.
As a reminder, the HLC self study may be read by going to the HLC website on the Provost's page:
SponsorProvost's Office
ContactCarolyn O'Grady — 507-933-7545