Berzelius FikaOctober 11, 2011 at 1010:30 a.m.

Time: October 11, 2011 at 1010:30 a.m.

The Department of Chemistry is providing free coffee, treats, and conversation at this time and place. It is difficult to get to know the kind, intelligent people who sit around you or teach you in a department as large as Chemistry/Biochemistry only through class. A different forum is needed.

Therefore, Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Nobel Atrium (the main lobby), come get to know the people you recognize, but may have never had the chance to talk to.

fika (˜fee-kah): a Swedish noun/verb for the event/action of drinking coffee and socializing. The relief from work and engagement in conversation is associated with this everyday pause.

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