Philippine Specimens

The Gustavus Entomology Collection contains six drawers of pinned dragonfly specimens collected on the island of Negros in the Philippines in the general vicinity of Dumaguete City during the months of July, August, and September in 1970. The collector of the material remains a mystery, the pinned specimens were labelled with date and location only, and not identified.

Having access to no keys or guidebooks for the Odonata of the Philippines, I’ve turned to sources for nearby areas of tropical Asia. Thus my determinations have relied on John Michalski’s book A Manual for the Identification of the Dragonflies and Damselflies of New Guinea, Maluku and the Solomon Islands (2012), but have also consulted Dragonflies of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (2005) by A.G.Orr and Dragonflies of Singapore (2010) by Tang Hung Bun, Wang Luan Keng, and Matti Hämäläinen. Various online resources were consulted as well. All names have been checked for current status on the World Odonata List compiled by Martin Schorr and Dennis Paulson. If there was any uncertainty in the identification, the determination was made to genus only. Please inform us of any errors or of any corrections that might be made.

For more information about the Gustavus Entomology Odonata collection, please contact Dr. Margaret Bloch Qazi ( or Scott King (


[Anax guttatus] (Emperor – 3 in collection)


[Leptogomphus semperi] (Clubtail – 1 in collection)


[Acisoma panorpoides] (Trumpet Tail)

Crocothemis servila

Diplacina braueri?

Lathrecista asiatica

[Neurothemis ramburii] (Red Parasol – 44 in collection)

Neurothemis terminata (14 in collection)

Neurothemis sp. (4 in collection)

Orthetrum sabina

Orthetrum sp.

Pantala flavescens

Potamarcha congener?

Rhyothemis phyllis

Tholymis tillarga

Trithemis aurora

Zyxomma obtusum