Potential SanctionsConduct Resources

When complaints are heard and responsibility is determined by an Administrative Conference or a Student Conduct Board, sanctions such as the ones listed below may be assigned to an accused Student, Group, or Organization. Sanctions are assigned at the discretion of the appropriate student conduct authority considering such factors as conduct history, motivation for behavior and likelihood of re-offense.

CHOICES Workshop: CHOICES is a 90 minute educational workshop facilitated by the Peer Assistants.

Work Hours: The activity is required for a specified number of hours during a designated time period under appropriate supervision. Efforts will be made to assign Students to tasks where the disciplinary nature of the assignment need not be revealed.

Mentor Assignment: Students are asked to develop academic, co-curricular and personal goals with the support of a mentor. Students select a mentor from a list of College employees who volunteer with this program. They meet a minimum of four times over the course of six weeks, creating an action plan based on the student’s goals.

Disciplinary Censure*: The nature of the specific violation or existence of prior violations merits concern by the College. Censure serves as an extended period of warning; students sanctioned with Disciplinary Censure should understand that in most cases, future violation will result in Disciplinary Probation. 

Disciplinary Probation*: This is the most serious form of behavior-related sanction that can be imposed short of suspension. The individual is considered to be “not in good standing with the Institution” for a determined period of time. Students on Disciplinary Probation will be prohibited from registering for or participating in off-campus study, credit-bearing internships, career explorations, and off-campus independent studies. They may be prohibited from representing the College in any activity, performance, or presentation (e.g., athletic teams, fine arts groups, student organizations, etc.). The College reserves the right to remove a student on disciplinary probation from a course or program if it deems such action to be in the best interest of the student, the College, or the program/ course.

Suspension*: Termination of Student status for a definite period of time. The conditions of readmission shall be stated in the order of suspension.

Expulsion*: Permanent termination of Student status. The fact of expulsion shall become part of the Student’s permanent academic record at the College and remain so.

*Notifications: Parents/guardians are notified when a dependent student of any age is assigned Disciplinary Censure, Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion. Coaches of student athletes are informed when one of their athletes has had any violation of Gustavus alcohol/drug policy. A student’s academic advisor is notified when a student is assigned Disciplinary Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion.