2017 Senior Class Legacy Tributes

Gustavus Adolphus College is proud of the positive impact our employees have in the lives of Gustie students.

Senior Class Legacy gifts DO make a difference. Your pledge honors and celebrates the good work of our vibrant Gustavus community.  

Selected Tributes

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to Nursing Department

  Thank you Nursing Professors for the knowledge and support you’ve provided me throughout my college career. I feel equipped to be an excellent nurse because of each of you! – Kristine Rogers

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to Brandon Dean

  Dr. Dean always made the year enjoyable for me. The way he was so passionate in the music, and always making us passionate about it too, uplifted my spirits so many times over the years. So, thank you! -Grace

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to James Patrick Miller

    A pledge in honor of James Patrick Miller was received. -Noah

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to JoNes Van Hecke

    JoNes has been a huge influence as my mentor, during my time at Gustavus. I have learned so much from her leadership and guidance, and I am so lucky to be able to call her a friend. -Herchran

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to Gregory Aune

  Over my time at Gustavus, no professor sticks out as a better mentor and life friend than Dr. A. The leadership he provides both in and out of Gustavus Choir is incredibly motivational and helped inspire me to want to proceed to reach higher education. I would not be the person I am today […]

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to Biology Department

    This department has helped me become the person and student I am today and I am very thankful for all the work they do. – Branson

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to Karl Larson

    Thank you Karl Larson! -Esther

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to History Department

The Gustavus History department is made up of incredible professors. We trust them to guide us, and they in turn trust us to do our work well. It’s rare and valuable to have professors treat you as adults, not just as students, and to make their faith in you known. Thank you to all the […]

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to Women’s Tennis Team

    This program and the individuals involved have changed my life for the better. These individuals have made my Gustavus experience one that I will cherish forever. -Calleigh

Senior Class Legacy Tribute to Chad Winterfeldt

  Chad is such a patient, kind, and passionate director of hand bells. Being a part of Disney Hand bells has been a highlight of my senior year. We will miss you, Chad! -Laura

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