First Name Required
Middle Initial
Last Name Required
Home Address Required
City Required
State Required
Zip Code Required
Email Address Required
Phone Number Required
Student ID Required
Last Semester of Gustavus Attendance Required
When do you want to re-enroll? Required
Reason(s) for Leaving Required
Other Reason
Your Time Away Required Please provide a description of your activities since leaving Gustavus.
Reason for Returning Required Please provide a short account of your reasons for wanting to return to Gustavus.
Coursework Required Have you completed coursework at another college or university since leaving Gustavus?
If yes, how many credits did you complete?
Also if yes, did you ever enroll full-time (12+ credits taken in a single semester) at another college or university?
Applicant Digital Signature Required I understand that if this application is approved, my readmission is contingent on submission of the proper housing and/or financial aid forms. Registration for courses must be completed one week before the start of the semester.