25th Anniversary CII Alumni Celebration

History of Curriculum II

Curriculum II was founded in 1983 through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities written by Professor Douglas Huff. The first class graduated in 1989 and the curriculum has been edifying thoughtful and well-versed cohorts ever since. As CII graduates know, in the 12th century Bernard of Chartres wrote:

We are like dwarves seated on the shoulders of giants; we see more things than the ancients and things more distant, but this is due neither to the sharpness of our sight nor to the greatness of our stature, but because we are raised and borne aloft on that giant mass.

25th Anniversary CII Alumni Celebration 1

This “giant mass” is all of our history, our literature, our theologies, our political ideals, our values, ideas, and habits of thought. Today we still ask the eternal questions and pursue the mystery at the center of our cosmology. We are convinced that study of our traditions enables us to know ourselves more fully, achieve our human potential, and heighten our sensitivity to other cultures. Curriculum II has long encouraged students to see connections between education and character, ideas and values, learning and life. In our deep search for meaning, we study the history of ideas in classical and biblical texts, ethical and political philosophy, artistic and literary works, and the social and physical sciences. Through the exploration of enduring questions, CII graduates seek to accept responsibility for themselves, for each other, for their communities, and for the earth. Our hope is to continue this legacy in the 25 years to come!

Event Program

Curriculum II
25th Anniversary CII Alumni Celebration 2 (now known as the 3 Crowns Curriculum)
25th Anniversary Alumni Celebration

Saturday, April 11, 2015
Alumni Hall

10:00 a.m. | Welcome
President Rebecca M. Bergman

10:15 a.m. | Video Interview with Professor Richard Fuller about the First-Year of CII
25th Anniversary CII Alumni Celebration 3 Program Director Lori Carsen Kelly ’83

10:30 a.m. | “The End of Athens,” Lecture
Professor William Freiert

Noon | 3 Crowns Luncheon

1:30 p.m. | “The Art of Living”
Professor Douglas Huff

2:30 p.m. | Discussion of Provided Readings on ‘The Good Life’
Professor Denis Crnkovic

5:00 p.m. | Musical Recital
Professor Justin Knoepfel with Special Guests

6:30 p.m. |3 Crowns Banquet

8:00 p.m. | The Theater of Public Policy Improv Comedy Troupe 

Tane Danger ’07, Maggie Sotos ’09, Andrew Haaheim ’09, Professor Jim Robinson, James Freetly ’12, Dennis Curley, Keyboardist

This was a very successful event with more than 130 alumni, former faculty members, and current faculty members in attendance.  Our landmark celebration served to strengthen alumni loyalty to our program and to the college as a whole. We give thanks to all who attended this day of celebration in honor of this formative and influential program, as well as its prolific faculty, students, and alumni. Your ongoing support for this signature curriculum will help us to continue its legacy in the 25 years to come!