Reconciliation Circle with Cânté Sütá-Francis BettelyounNovember 19, 2020 at 3:305 p.m.

Time: November 19, 2020 at 3:305 p.m.

The Gustavus community is invited to join Cânté Sütá-Francis Bettelyoun in an open circle conversation devoted to building relationships and reconciliation between Minnesota's Native and immigrant peoples. This is an open forum for students, staff, faculty, and community members to listen, ask questions, learn, and speak what is on our hearts and minds.

Cânté Sütá-Francis Bettelyoun, Oglala Lakȟóta-Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, is Coordinator of the Native American Medicine Gardens, University of Minnesota, and co-creator of the Buffalo Star People Indigenous Healing Circles.

The reconciliation circles are a continuing conversation held every two weeks via videoconference. Join at or by phone ‪(US) +1 929-399-6436‬ and PIN: ‪269 783 547‬#.

Additional Times