Exploring Religious Questions Series - Winter 2017February 6, 2017 at 79 p.m.

Time: February 6, 2017 at 79 p.m.
Location:Olin Room 103

Although the media and some atheists and Christians often depict religion and science at odds, many leading scientists and theologians do not. A host of recent publications highlight the many ways that scientists and religious leaders are learning from one another and working together to address common ethical concerns.This series explores some of the common misconceptions about relationships between science and religion and provides examples of creative alliances and conversations between scientists and religious leaders today.Series speakers are scientists and theologians who teach about and are engaged in a variety of issues regarding science and religion. The cost is $35/person for the series, and pre-registration required. For more information or to register, email church-relations@gustavus.edu.

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