Ella BurnhamFaculty

Assistant Professor of Statistics in Math, Comp Sci, and Statistics


Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2021; B.A. in Mathematics Education, St. Catherine University, 2016.


Hiking, Board Games, Baking, and Music

Courses Taught

MCS-114 (Intro Stat Lit) and MCS-142 (Introduction to Statistics)

Synonym Title Times Taught Terms Taught
MCS-142 Introduction to Statistics 6 2023/SP, 2022/SP, and 2021/FA
MCS-242 Applied Regression Analysis 4 2023/FA and 2022/FA
MCS-240 Statistical Computing and Visu 2 2023/FA and 2022/FA
MCS-241 Applied Stats-Modern 1 2022/SP