Gustie Guide 2024-2025Dean of Students


Gustavus Adolphus College is concerned for the well-being of all members of its academic community and for the quality of their relationships. One area of that concern involves the use of alcohol and other drugs. 

The College does not condone the use of alcohol when prohibited by law. On the contrary, it seeks to foster an atmosphere in which abstinence from alcohol is accepted, respected, and supported. The College also expects individuals and groups of legal age to make responsible choices with regard to alcohol use. Careful consideration must be given if alcoholic beverages are to be available at College-sponsored off-campus activities or at events where underage individuals are present. While the alcohol and drug policy makes provisions for the consumption of alcohol in conjunction with some special events, participants of all ages should be able to participate in all planned activities. Activities with alcohol may segregate those not of legal age from those who are, and this could be counterproductive to the development of community. 

The College takes the position that chemical abuse is neither socially nor morally acceptable. It also recognizes the reality of chemical dependency and is aware of its presence in the academic community. We are obliged to help those who could be harmed or inconvenienced as a result of the irresponsible behavior of others. As a part of encouraging responsible lifestyles, Gustavus will strive to provide education about alcohol and other drug use, to encourage responsible choices, and to intervene in situations where it has knowledge of misuse and abuse of chemicals. The College will encourage and provide reasonable help for members of the community who seek treatment for chemical dependency. 

The College expresses the following objectives with regard to alcohol and other drugs:

  1. To support and encourage those who choose to abstain from the use of alcohol and other drugs.
  2. To undertake to educate members of the College community regarding the effects of use, misuse, and abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
  3. To formulate and maintain guidelines for appropriate response to the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
  4. To expect individuals who use alcohol to make responsible choices and respect the rights, needs, and lifestyles of other members of the community.
  5. To sensitize Collegiate Fellows, Residential Life professional staff, Peer Assistants, faculty, staff, and students to the implications of chemical use, and especially to the needs of those who misuse or abuse alcohol or other drugs.
  6. To provide direct assistance and/or referral for those with substance-abuse problems.

Each member of the community is encouraged to support the objectives of this policy. The Dean of Students shall have the primary responsibility for monitoring it for the student body, with primary enforcement provided by Campus Safety and the Residential Life staff. The Dean of Students shall continue to study, develop, and evaluate the program of education for the campus community dealing with the implications of alcohol and drug use. 

Refer also to the section titled “Specific Policies for Alcohol and Other Drugs in the Residence Halls” for further information on the application of this policy for residence-hall living.


Any violation of the following rules shall be considered an offense subject to disciplinary action by the appropriate authorities. The College reserves the right to request assistance from law enforcement officials where State or local laws are being violated. 

  1. Minnesota law and College policy prohibit the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21. Providing alcohol to a minor, or assisting a minor in any way in obtaining alcohol, is specifically included as inappropriate behavior and is also a violation of State law. 
  2. Possession, use, sale, distribution, and/or solicitation of illegal substances is prohibited.
  3. Possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited. 
  4. State and local laws prohibit the purchase and resale of alcoholic beverages without a license. College policy prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages on campus. 
  5. Promotion on campus (including, but not limited to, circulars, posters, and campus publications) of consumption of large amounts of alcohol, or of events where drinking is the primary focus, is prohibited. 
  6. Alcohol advertisements are prohibited in student media publications and broadcasts.
  7. Consuming or possessing alcohol in an open container in any public campus location is not permitted. See “ Policies for Alcohol and Other Drugs in the Residence Hall” for a list of public and private spaces for the purposes of this policy. The Gustavus Alcohol and Drug Policy allows the serving of alcoholic beverages on campus only under the following conditions:
    1. Designated Areas shall be determined and reviewed by the appropriate Vice President or Dean subject to approval by the President.
    2. The sponsor(s) must submit an application form detailing the event and indicating receipt of the statement “Responsibilities of a Sponsor of a Social Event at which Alcoholic Beverages Are Served.”
    3. The request for use of a Designated Area must be submitted to the appropriate Vice President or Dean at least seven (7) days prior to the event.
    4. The event must be confined to the Designated Area.
    5. The event must be confined to the times listed on the application, and the type and amount of alcoholic beverage limited to what is specified beforehand. Nonalcoholic beverages must be continuously available in a similar manner as the specified alcoholic beverage for underage guests and those wishing to abstain.
    6. Serving of alcoholic beverages must be in conjunction with a reasonable amount of food.
    7. Those sponsoring the event are responsible for ensuring that only those of legal age consume alcohol, and that consumption takes place in the Designated Area only.
    8. The sponsors will be responsible for returning the area to its prior condition.
    9. For application forms or more information about the Designated Area policy, contact Dining Services or the Dean of Students Office.
  8. Driving under the influence is prohibited.
  9. Transportation of alcoholic beverages to and from designated areas and/or private rooms must be in closed and opaque containers, not to include parts of clothing.
  10. No college funds may be expended for the purchase of alcohol without prior approval. 
  11. Gustavus Adolphus College follows federal drug laws. On a federal level, all marijuana remains illegal. The federal government classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug with a high potential for abuse and little to no medical benefit. The use, sale, and possession of cannabis over 0.3% THC in the United States, despite laws in many states permitting it under various circumstances, is illegal under federal law and therefore on campus.
  12. Controlled Substances: Possession, use, sale, distribution, and/or solicitation of restricted or illegal substances is prohibited. The use, possession, sale, distribution, and/or solicitation—or assistance in any way to anyone so involved—of any illegal and/or dangerous drugs, narcotics, or acids is strictly prohibited on the campus and in the residence halls. Prohibited substances will be confiscated and disposed of by College staff members or local law enforcement officials and the offender may be subject to disciplinary action by both the College and civil authorities. 
  13. Gustavus Adolphus College prohibits the use of tobacco and the use of all smoking/inhaled products and devices within all College grounds, College owned or leased properties, and in College owned, leased, or rented vehicles even when used outside campus grounds. The sale and distribution of these items is also prohibited.
    Smoking/inhaled products and devices include but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookah, smokeless tobacco, and electronic delivery systems.


The College is concerned about both the physical and emotional wellbeing of all students. The College also recognizes that there may be alcohol or other drug-related medical or safety emergencies in which the potential for disciplinary action could act as a deterrent to students who want to seek assistance for themselves or others. The Medical Amnesty Policy is designed to enable dangerously intoxicated or impaired Gustavus students to receive the professional medical treatment they need. 

When one or more students aid an intoxicated or impaired Gustavus student by contacting Campus Safety, Residential Life or other appropriate College staff for assistance and reference the policy, neither the impaired individual nor the student(s) reporting the emergency will be subject to formal disciplinary action for the consumption or possession of alcohol or other drugs. The policy is thus invoked by taking action to notify College staff regarding a student in need of assistance. In rare circumstances, such as cases where other, more serious, violations occur, students may be subject to the student conduct process for those additional violations. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, physical abuse, verbal or physical harassment, disorderly conduct or major property damage. 

Impaired individuals who are eligible for medical amnesty will not receive a conduct record for the incident. In lieu of disciplinary action, the student will be required to meet with a staff member in the GustieWELL office to discuss the incident and participate in a session of chemical education. If a student does not complete these requirements, they will be subject to the formal disciplinary process.


    • General Policy

      The College has adopted a policy addressing the consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus. The guidelines set forth in that policy are further defined below for residential living situations:

      1. Resident students of legal drinking age, and their guests of legal drinking age, may possess and consume alcoholic beverages within the private areas of individual units of residence facilities. For the purpose of the alcohol policy ONLY, private areas of individual units are defined as the sleeping areas of Norelius, North, Gibbs, Sorensen, Rundstrom, Sohre, Pittman, and Prairie View Halls; within the apartment units in Arbor View, Chapel View and College View; and in the bedroom and living rooms of individual sections in Carlson International Center as well as Southwest and Uhler Halls. Possession of open or unopened containers of alcohol is not permitted in residence hall corridors, lounge areas, bathrooms, stairwells, or any other public space and may result in disciplinary action as specified in the documents titled “Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Procedures.” 
      2. By Minnesota law, resident students must wait until their twenty-first birthday before they can legally possess, consume, or distribute alcoholic beverages. Underage students who possess or consume alcohol are subject to appropriate disciplinary measures. Confrontation of underage students may occur either in public areas or in student rooms when the staff member suspects a violation is occurring. Possession presumes consumption in the eyes of the State of Minnesota and is illegal for individuals under the legal age. Legal age may not be assumed and must be verified by ID; all resident students will be expected to produce Gustavus Adolphus College identification and proof of age if requested by College staff. 
      3. Possession or presence of empty, full, or partially full alcohol containers in an underage room is prohibited. 
      4. In living units where none of the assigned occupants is of legal drinking age, alcohol is not allowed and the occupants may be held jointly responsible for violations. Alcohol will not be permitted in these “underage rooms” even when guests of legal age are present; alcoholic beverages discovered in such situations are subject to confiscation and disposal, regardless of claimed ownership. Alcohol will be allowed in student rooms where at least one occupant is of legal age. In such cases, a legal-age occupant must be present and assumes responsibility as host if guests are present. Underage students (whether occupants or guests) remain restricted from possession or consumption of alcohol in these rooms. When a gathering where alcohol is present (see Section II.) violates other residential life guidelines, or when it comes to the attention of College officials that a legal host is not able to control distribution or consumption, underage guests will be instructed to leave (and cited for possession if appropriate) and the host will be subject to sanctions. 
      5. Disciplinary measures may be taken when underage students possess, consume, or distribute alcohol, and also when legal-age students distribute alcohol to underage students. (Simple knowledge of underage possession or consumption of alcohol, either by staff or other students of the College, can result in significant legal liability for those people.) 
      6. State and local laws prohibit the purchase and resale of alcoholic beverages without a license. College policy prohibits any sale of alcoholic beverages on campus without prior approval by the Dean of Students.
      7. No kegs of beer or other large quantities of alcoholic beverages or mixtures are permitted in residential hall rooms. Premixed punches and concoctions with alcohol are considered to be excessive regardless of actual quantity and are also prohibited. (Students are advised to contact their CF, Area Coordinator, or the Director of Residential Life before staging a party involving alcohol, as a number of contributing factors can affect a determination of “excess.”)
      8. Transportation of alcoholic beverages to and from private rooms (and designated areas) must be in closed and opaque containers, not to include parts of clothing. 
      9. Display of alcohol-related advertising materials (including bottles) in residence hall windows or areas outside residence hall rooms is not permitted. Students are expected to promptly dispose of trash such as cans, bottles, and boxes from all hallways. 
      10. The possession, consumption, or sale of alcoholic beverages at any public campus event is prohibited (with the sole exception of consumption of limited quantities in a “Designated Area”).
      11. No residence-hall funds may be expended for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
    • Guidelines for Private Parties Involving Alcohol

        1. Private parties may not be advertised or posted in public, either on campus or in the residence halls. 
        2. For the comfort of guests and fellow residents, there should be no more persons at a private party than the room can comfortably and reasonably hold. The party cannot be allowed to overflow into the hall, the lounge, or any adjoining area outside the resident’s room. (A College staff member’s determination of what is “comfortable and reasonable” is binding.) 
        3. Noise should be contained and not bothersome to other residents. 
        4. The room should not become the point of dispersing alcohol for the floor or section. 
        5. The room or section door must remain closed to the hallway. 
        6. Party hosts are responsible for ensuring that alcohol is not served or otherwise available to underage guests. 
        7. Party hosts are liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the intoxicated nature of the participants, and are responsible for all actions of their guests—legal age or underage—subsequent to and arising from their participation (in accordance with state “dram shop” laws). 
        8. Because underage students may not legally possess or consume alcohol, they are also restricted from distributing it. Therefore, underage students may not be hosts of parties involving alcohol, even if they have no intention of consuming alcohol themselves. 
    • Designated Area Policy

      The Gustavus Alcohol Policy allows the serving of alcoholic beverages in areas of campus other than student rooms only under the specific conditions outlined in the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy Statement of Rules.

      While the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policies makes provisions for Designated Areas in conjunction with some special events, hall- and floor-sponsored on-campus activities that include alcohol are strongly discouraged. A large number of underage resident students must be able to participate fully in all activities planned by residents and residence hall staff. Activities with alcohol may segregate those not of legal age from those who are and would be counterproductive to the development of community.

      Careful consideration must be given if alcoholic beverages will be available at College- sponsored off-campus activities or events when underage students are present.

      For application forms or more information about the Designated Area policy, contact the Dean of Students Office.

  • Concerns or questions about drugs or narcotics may be directed to the GustieWELL Office, the Student Health Service, Office of Residential Life, Counseling Center, Campus Safety, or Dean of Students Office. See the “Alcohol and Other Drugs Policies” for more information.


Level 0 or Concerning Behaviors (first time offenses only, citation): Promotion of events where alcohol is the primary focus; display of alcohol related materials in windows or areas outside of residence hall rooms; possession of open containers in public/non-designated areas by persons 21 years of age or older. Possession or presence of any alcohol containers in “underage” rooms; possession of alcohol by underage persons.

Consumption of alcohol by underage persons including a blood alcohol measure up to .049 as determined by Campus Safety or any law enforcement agency; permitting others (students or guests) to use assigned rooms to violate the alcohol policy. *Note that these behaviors are only sanctioned at a Level 0 when they are the first time offense for a student. If a student has previous alcohol violations, then they will be sanctioned at a Level 1. 

Level 1 or Significant Behaviors: Consumption of alcohol by underage persons including a blood alcohol measure between .050 and .149 as determined by Campus Safety or any law enforcement agency; possession/existence of fraudulent identification

Level II or Serious Behaviors: Staggering; public intoxication, vomiting but coherent and conscious; a blood alcohol measure between .15 and .199 as determined by Campus Safety or any law enforcement agency; illegal sale of alcohol; students possessing and consuming from common source containers; supplying or assisting minors in any way in obtaining alcohol.

Level III or Dangerous Behaviors: Vomiting and incoherence; unconsciousness; needing or receiving medical attention (including treatment by EMTs and/or transportation to hospital or “detox”); loss of bodily functions; memory loss; BAC .20 or higher by any student (regardless of age) as determined by Campus Safety or any law enforcement agency; driving under the influence.

Note: Sanctions resulting from alcohol violations are cumulative over the course of a student’s enrollment. Students hosting non-Gustavus guests are responsible for ensuring their guests’ compliance with all College policies.

Alcohol Violations: Sanction Guidelines

(Typical minimum sanctions—more severe sanctions may apply.)


Level 0/ Concerning

Level I/ Significant

Level II/Serious

Level III/ Dangerous

First Offense Sanctions*

  • Admonition
  • Alcohol Education Program* (fee is waived if non-criminal)
  • Notification to coach, if applicable
  • Alcohol Education Program*
  • Notification to coach, if applicable
  • Alcohol Education Program*
  • Mentor Assignment
  • Disciplinary Censure
    • Notification to parents and coach
  • Alcohol Education Program*
  • 10 work hours
  • Disciplinary Probation
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor
    • Monthly meetings with Class Dean during probationary period

Second Offense Sanctions*


(Level 0 is only assigned on a first offense)

  • Alcohol Education Program*

  • Mentor Assignment
  • Disciplinary
    • Notification to parents and coach
  • Alcohol Education Program*
  • 10 work hours
  • Disciplinary Probation
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor
    • Monthly meetings with Class Dean during probationary period
  • Chemical Use Assessment (fee incl)
  • 20 work hours
  • Disciplinary Probation
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor
    • Monthly meetings with Class Dean during probationary period
  • Potential Suspension

Third Offense Sanctions*


(Level 0 is only assigned on a first offense)

  • Alcohol Education Program*
  • 10 work hours
  • Disciplinary Probation
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor
    • Monthly meetings with Class Dean during probationary period
  • Chemical Use Assessment
  • 20 work hours
  • Disciplinary Probation
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor
    • Monthly meetings with Class Dean during probationary period
  • Potential Suspension
  • Suspension or Expulsion
    • Notification to parents, coach and academic advisor

*The Alcohol education programs come with an associated fee which is charged to the student.

**The sanctions above are standard for the offenses listed, the College reserves the right to adjust the sanctions at the discretion of the hearing officer(s) depending on the specifics of the incident and a student’s conduct history. Non-cooperation during confrontation could result in increased sanctions.


The use, sale, and possession of cannabis over 0.3% THC in the United States, despite its legalization in Minnesota, is illegal under federal law. Because Gustavus receives federal aid, it is obligated to follow federal laws regarding cannabis. Cannabis possession and/or use is prohibited on campus regardless of age. Confiscation of drugs and/or paraphernalia may occur and may warrant a search by Campus Safety and/or arrest or other action by law enforcement. 

If a student possesses items which could be used for the consumption or application of either legal or illegal substances, the Appropriate Student Conduct Authority will consider multiple factors in deciding whether or not those items are to be considered “Drug Paraphernalia” for the purposes of this policy. These factors could include but are not limited to: presence/odor of an illegal substance on the item(s) or in the nearby vicinity or physical signs of use of an illegal substance.

Level I or Possession: Possession of drug paraphernalia, permitting others (students or guests) to violate the cannabis policy in assigned rooms.

Level II or Use/Intent to Use: Possession of cannabis and/or use of cannabis, including but not limited to all THC concentrates and cannabis-infused products.

Level III or Distribution: Cannabis sale or distribution or intent to sell or distribute.

Note: Sanctions resulting from cannabis violations are cumulative over the course of a student’s enrollment. Students hosting non-Gustavus guests are responsible for ensuring their guests’ compliance with all College policies.

Cannabis Violations: Sanction Guidelines

(Typical minimum sanctions—more severe sanctions may apply.)


Level I/Possession

Level II/Use

Level III/Distribution

First Offense Sanctions*

  • Admonition
  • Drug Education Program*
  • Notification to coach, if applicable
  • Drug Education Program*
  • Disciplinary Censure
    • Notification to parents and coach
  • Suspension or Expulsion
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor

Second Offense Sanctions*

  • Drug Education Program*
  • Mentor Assignment
  • Disciplinary Censure
    • Notification to parents and coach
  • Drug Education Program*
  • Mentor Assignment
  • Disciplinary Probation
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor
    • Monthly meetings with Class Dean during probationary period
  • Expulsion
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor

Third Offense Sanctions*

  • Chemical Use Assessment (incl. fee)
  • 10 work hours
  • Disciplinary Probation
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor
    • Monthly meetings with Class Dean during probationary period
  • Suspension
    • Notification to parents, coach, and academic advisor

*The Cannabis education programs come with an associated fee which is charged to the student.

**The sanctions above are standard for the offenses listed, the College reserves the right to adjust the sanctions at the discretion of the hearing officer(s) depending on the specifics of the incident and a student’s conduct history.

Non-cooperation during confrontation could result in increased sanctions.


Gustavus is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy living and learning environment free from alcohol and other drug abuse. This commitment applies both on campus as well as in College programs off-campus. Students’ behavior directly reflects upon Gustavus and affects the relationships that the College enjoys with communities both near and far. 

The College encourages students to develop healthy habits and attitudes toward the use of alcohol. Abstinence is always an appropriate option; moderation is acceptable if it does not violate either College policies or the law. The use of any illegal drug will not be tolerated, nor will the consumption of alcohol by underage students. Participation in off-campus activities is a revocable privilege. Students who do not adhere to host site standards as well as the Gustavus Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action by the College. 

Students and their staff/faculty advisors should be aware of College policies and federal, state, and local or foreign laws related to alcohol and other drug use. For students participating in credit-bearing academic courses which occur off-campus, please consult the Center for International and Cultural Education for applicable policies.

The following guidelines apply to “student groups,” i.e., recognized student organizations or groups of students who are traveling off-campus in connections with co-curricular programs. Faculty or staff members who accompany student groups traveling off-campus are expected to follow the same guidelines as the group.

  1. Underage drinking and illicit drug use are illegal and will not be tolerated. Anyone who provides alcohol to an underage person or is found in possession of illegal drugs will be subject to disciplinary action as noted in the “Procedures” section below.
  2. Group leaders and coaches are expected to clarify the standards and expectations regarding the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and the consequences of noncompliance. 
  3. The following are minimum standards to be followed by every student group that travels off-campus.
    1. No alcohol use in College cars, vans or buses.
    2. Students of legal drinking age are expected to use good judgment if consuming alcohol at private homes, at group meals, or other settings at all times.
    3. If a group spends the night in a hotel, it is incumbent upon each member to behave responsibly as representatives of the College. No abusive, illegal, or irresponsible use of alcohol or drugs will be tolerated. Hotel management will be encouraged to deal with disruptive or illegal activities just as they would with other hotel guests. This may include involvement of local police authorities.
    4. Members should support one another in complying with these standards. Members who have an alcohol or drug abuse problem are encouraged to advise the group leader.

Procedures Followed for Alcohol or other Drug Violations

Policy violations are to be addressed as follows: 

For violations of Gustavus Guide policy, College student conduct procedures should be invoked upon return to campus. These procedures are described in the Gustavus Guide. If there are other violations, in addition to alcohol or other drug use, they should also be addressed through campus student conduct procedures. 

If a group member violates an alcohol or other drug policy established by the coach/advisor, one or more of the following sanctions may be involved independent of College student conduct proceedings. 

  • Suspension from participation in subsequent activities during the travel period. 
  • Dismissal from the program or event (the violator may have to travel home at their own expense). Underage or illegal use of alcohol or other drugs are grounds for such dismissal. 
  • Financial restitution for damaged property, compensatory conversations with affected parties, etc. 
  • Whenever possible, coaches/advisors are encouraged to consult with the Dean of Students Office prior to imposing sanctions directly. 

Revised Summer 2016


Gustavus Adolphus College has adopted and implemented a program, consistent with Federal Guidelines, to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. The program, mandated by the “Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989” (Public Law 010226, an amendment to Title XII of the Higher Education Act of 1965), requires that the following information be distributed annually to each student and employee. 

  1. Standards of Conduct: Gustavus Adolphus College prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as any part of its officially sponsored activities. Standards relating to this prohibition are further defined in the College’s Alcohol/Drug Policy, which is printed annually in the Gustavus Guide, the Staff Handbook, and the Faculty Handbook. 

    See also the College’s “Drug-Free Workplace” regulations, printed in the latter two handbooks each year.

  2. Applicable Laws: A number of federal, state, and local laws deal with unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. More information can be found at: 

    Drinking Age Violations

    Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

    Underage Possession

    Underage Consumption

    Underage Purchasing

    Giving to or Procuring for a Minor

    Minor Entering Licensed Establishment

    Misrepresentation of Age

    Regulation of Sales Offenses

    Unlicensed Sale of Alcohol

    Selling to a Minor

    Inducing a Minor to Buy

    Open Container Violations

    Possession on Public Property

    Consumption on Public Property

    Traffic-Related Offenses

    DWI (DUI)

    Gross Misdemeanor DWI

    Open-Bottle, Possession

    Open-Bottle, Allowing

    Suspension of Driver’s License for Underage Purchasing

    Driving after Consuming Alcohol, Underage (“Not a Drop Law”)

    Illicit Drug Violations

    Sale or Possession of Controlled Substances (1st–5th Degree, to include cocaine, narcotics, hallucinogens, and larger amounts of marijuana; see also Federal Trafficking Penalties, below)

    Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

    Manufacture or Delivery of Drug Paraphernalia

    Delivery of Drug Paraphernalia to a Minor

    Possession, or Sale of Small Amounts of, Marijuana

    Knowledge of Possession


    Simulated Controlled Substances

    Controlled Substances Violations (Federal)

    Trafficking in Controlled Substances(1st–5th Degree; 21 U.S. Code 811) Trafficking in Marijuana (21 U.S. Code 811)

    Illegal Possession of a Controlled Substance (21 U.S. Code 844a)

    Forfeiture of Personal and Real Property Used to Possess or Facilitate Possession (21 U.S. Code 853a2 and 881a7)

    Forfeiture of Vehicles or Other Conveyances Used to Transport or Conceal (21 U.S. Code 881a4)

    Denial of Federal Benefits, including Student Loans, Contracts, and Licenses (21 U.S. Code 853a)

    Ineligibility to Receive or Purchase Firearm (18 U.S. Code 922g)

    Revocation of Federal Licenses and Benefits (miscellaneous U.S. Codes)

  3. Health Risks: Several health problems and risks are associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol. Further information may be found in the Dean of Students Office or the GustieWELL Office.

    • Effects of drinking too much at one time may include increased heart rate and skin temperature, loss of muscle control, and hangover symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and headache.
    • Alcohol abuse can also result in damage to brain cells, mental illness and personality disorders, as well as causing birth defects or other abnormalities in the unborn.
    • Long-term heavy drinking can damage the heart muscle, increase the risk of heart disease, and lead to heart failure and alcoholism. It can also inflame vital tissue; increase the risk of ulcers and cancers of the liver, mouth, throat, and stomach; cause degeneration of bone and muscle; and result in blackouts and memory loss.
    • The cumulative effects of alcoholism may include all of the above disorders or risks, particularly cirrhosis and cancer of the liver, alcoholic hepatitis, enlarged heart, congestive heart failure, ulcers and gastritis, and brain damage, as well as “DTs”/disorientation, shaking, memory impairment, and hallucinations resulting from the alcohol withdrawal.
    • Long-term drug abuse can lead to organic damage, mental illness, hallucinations, and malnutrition and can increase the risk of AIDS, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases if drugs are injected.
  4. Community Resources: The following drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs, located in the St. Peter area, are available to students and employees.

    • Inspire Services, LLC, 1031 West Grace Street, St. Peter (507-364-5612). 
    • New Ulm Medical Center, Substance Abuse Services, 1324 Fifth St. N., New Ulm. (507-217-5378 or 507-217-5118).
    • Addiction Recovery Technologies of Mankato, 12 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 2116, Mankato (507-345-4670).
    • New Beginnings, 320 Sunrise Dr., St. Peter (ph. 507-931-0918). 
  5. On-Campus (for enrolled students):

    • Counseling Center (507-933-7027). Evaluation and assessment, support group programs, counseling services, licensed mental health therapists.
    • GustieWELL Office (507-933-7184). Peer counseling, workshops promoting healthy lifestyles, alcohol/drug and wellness information and programming, addiction and abuse 
  6. Institutional Sanctions: Gustavus Adolphus College will impose sanctions for violations of its alcohol and drug policies that are educational in nature and that are dependent on the frequency and severity of the incident and on the impact on the College community. Those sanctions include, but are not limited to, referral for assessment, referral for counseling and/or treatment, reassignment (of employment or housing space), suspension, and expulsion or termination of employment. The responsible parties may also be referred to civil authorities for violations of College regulations that are also of civil or criminal nature. 

Gustavus Adolphus College was mandated by federal statute to implement this prevention program by October 1, 1990. The College conducts biennial reviews of its program to: a) determine its effectiveness and implement changes if they are needed, and b) ensure that the sanctions described above are consistently enforced. Those reviews will include use of objective measures that track the levels of alcohol and other drug use, which may consist of such studies as the number of sanctions, the number of referrals for counseling or treatment, instances of drug and alcohol-related vandalism, as well as surveys of student, faculty, and employee perceptions on campus drug and alcohol use problems.