Undergraduate Internship Opportunities

Many Gusties have participated in a number internships while at Gustavus. Internships are a great way to gain experience and begin networking with other professionals in the field. This webpage will serve as a message board for students seeking internship and job opportunities at the UNDERGRADUATE level. 


American Psychological Association step-by-step guide into choosing a career in aging: http://www.apa.org/pi/aging/resources/careers/index.aspx

Autism Service Organizations

Fraser School: Fraser School provides services to children and adults living with autism and other early childhood mental health challenges. Based in Minnesota, they aid clients with education, employment, and housing. For more details, visit their website at https://www.graser.org

Primary Contact: Claire Sandahl, Volunteer and Intern Program Manager, claire.sandahl@fraser.org 

Additional Information: Hope for 3 month minimum. Most often setting is Fraser School. Student can build an internship if they don't see one to apply to, paid, also long and short term volunteering. Some flexibility, especially if internship is for credit/hours requirement.

Harry Meyering Center: This center provides individuals with developmental disabilities and their families support and resources. They house adults with disabilities in homes throughout Mankato and provide services through semi-independent living services. For more information, visit their website at https://www.harrymeyeringcenter.org

Primary Contact: Kyle Archerd, Coordinator of Community Connections, karcherd@harrymeyeringcenter.org 

Job Listing: https://www.harrymeyeringcenter.org/employment/internships/ 

Nonprofits and Community Organizations

Lifeworks Mankato: Lifeworks is a nonprofit organization that serves individuals with a diverse array of disabilities (e.g. Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and seizure disorders).

Primary Contact: Human Resources (612-321-1967)

Additional Information: Variety of opportunities, in house and on site. Online application, likely to have a DHS background check. No personal cares/toileting. Vocational rehab, ADLs, independent living skills.

Minnesota Nonprofit Job Board

Minneapolis Urban Scholars: Urban Scholars is a 12 week paid internship that provides formal leadership and developmental training. Scholars spend four days a week working on meaningful projects and work assignments alongside organizational leaders at one of our various host sides. One day a week, Scholars come together as a cohort to learn and practice skills in leadership, professional development, small groups, and public speaking (Urban Scholars, 2019). For more information, visit their website at www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/civilrights/urbanscholars/index.htm

Opportunity Partners: Opportunity Partners is a nonprofit organization that provides support to individuals with disabilities. They assist clients with job training and employment. Additionally, they work to help individuals live more independently. To find more information, visit their website at https://www.opportunities.org

Job Information: https://www.opportunities.org/get-involved/volunteer/.

Social Services

Social Work Job Bank 

Big Brothers Big Sisters: This is a partnership program where volunteers act as role models on a one-on-one basis with children from diverse backgrounds. Role models are called “Bigs” and are just as diverse as their Littles (i.e. children). They do not need a specific skill set as role modeling comes in many different forms. For more information, please visit their website at https://www.bbbs.org/faqs-for-bigs/

Habitat for Humanity: The mission of this nonprofit organization is to create a place for families to call home through community building and physical construction. They believe a strong foundation of home leads to a strong community. For more information, please visit their website at https://www.habitat.org/

Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota: Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota responds to Minnesota’s changing needs and serves individuals who suffer from lack of stable housing, live with disabilities, and who are elderly.

Primary Contact: Volunteer Coordinator (612-321-1967)

Additional Information: Call to talk based on specific interest and needs.

Volunteer Match: A space for volunteers and nonprofit organizations to connect professionally. For more information, visit their website at https://www.volunteermatch.org

YCorps - Youth Frontiers: Youth Frontiers’ mission is to provide schools with experiences that inspire character, civility and community. We offer one-day retreats focused on timeless values like kindness, courage and respect. Youth Frontiers also offers educator retreats to help schools support their educators and create cohesive teams all focused in a common direction: their students (Youth Frontiers, 2019).

Primary Contact: Kevin Lungay, Apprentice, klungay@youthfrontiers.org 

Additional Information: Paid positions available.

Advocacy & Crisis Centers and Shelters

The Bridge for Youth: “The Bridge coordinates one of the largest, most rigorous youth worker and youth counselor training programs in the Twin Cities. Each year, college students from across the state participate in our counseling internship program” (Bridge for Youth, 2018). For more information, please visit their website at https://www.bridgeforyouth.org/get-involved/internships/

Primary Contact: Alisha Olson, Volunteer and Intern Manager, a.olson@bridgeforyouth.org 

Additional Information: Undergraduate opportunities available. Must be 21 or older, 400 hour minimum internship.

Center for Victims of Torture: This organization works as advocates to end torture and works to rehabilitate torture victims. They believe in a torture-free world and work avidly with torture victims to provide treatment resources and bridge the gap between them and their communities to create new senses of human dignity. For more information, visit their website at https://www.cvt.org/what-we-do

Committee Against Domestic Abuse:A Mankato-based domestic abuse advocacy center and shelter for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. There are a variety of intern positions available, such as a community advocacy intern and shelter intern. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.cadamn.org

Day One Crisis Line:Day One Crisis works to ensure that no call for help from a domestically violent situation goes unanswered. For more information, please visit their website at https://dayoneservices.org/

Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women: Advocates for MCBW work to aid battered women and their children. The mission of MCBW is to give battered women a voice, challenge systems and institutions to respond more productively to domestic violence, and promote social change. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.mcbw.org

Mid-Minnesota Women’s Center: This domestic violence center assists women and children of domestic abuse and advocates against the cycle of violence against them. For more information, please visit their website at http://midminwomenscenter.blogspot.com

Outfront MN: Outfront is an advocacy organization for the LGBTQ community. Volunteers and staff work to create a world where transgender, bisexuality, gay, lesbian, pansexuality, and other orientations and sexual preferences are accepted.Through education, public policy, and community building, they are able to assist those who face sexual and gender discrimination. For more information, please visit their website at https://www.outfront.org

Sharing and Caring Hands:Volunteers serve the needy and help the poor. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.sharingandcaringhands.org

Women’s Advocates, Inc: This organization works to advocate against domestic violence. They provide numerous services to victims, including emergency shelters. For more information, please visit their website at https://www.wadvocates.org

Clinical Organizations

CORE Professional Services: “CORE Professional Services, PA, is an innovative, private organization committed to assisting individuals, families, and communities address difficult issues in a productive manner. We specialize in addressing the problems that abuse creates for families and communities, and will provide preventative, educational, and clinical services to central and outstate Minnesota to reduce these problems” (CORE Professional Services, 2016).

Primary Contact: Jesse Hillyer, Psychotherapist / Intern Coordinator, (888) 833-2859, jesseh@coretreatment.com 

Additional Information: Undergraduate internships available. Contact Jesse directly.

Secure Base Counseling Center: Secure Base Counseling Center offers therapeutic services to children of all ages and adults through multiple models of therapy.

Primary Contact: Human Resources, 507-301-3412, office@securebasecounselingcenter.com 

Additional Information: Undergraduate students qualify as Behavioral Aides. After graduation, many opportunities available as Mental Health Practitioner. Flexible hours.

The Lazarus Project: The Lazarus Project provides therapeutic care and support to children living with autism and the people who surround them.

Primary Contact: Jillian Miller,- Site Manager/Mental Health Practitioner, jillian@lazarusprojectmn.org 

Additional Information: Serve individuals 18 months-8 years, PAID, Twin Cities, contact Jillian directly for information.

Washburn Center for Children: The Washburn Center for Children serves children living with mental health concerns from agest zero to 18 years. They are located in Brooklyn Park, Edina, and Minneapolis. For more information, please visit their website at https://washburn.org/internships-employment/internships/undergraduate-internships/

Primary Contact: Colleen Hegy, Internship Coordinator, internships@washburn.org, 612-872-3341

Job Information: No J-Terms, semester only and summers, rolling application

Criminal Justice

MN Internship Listings

MN Courts’ Job Listing

Center for Homicide Research: “The Center for Homicide Research exists ‘to serve as a catalyst for homicide prevention and homicide case clearance through empirical research, with a strong focus on under-researched and marginalized populations, and organizational partnerships’” (Center for Homicide Research, 2018). For more information, please visit their website at http://homicidecenter.org/

Minnesota Alliance on Crime: “MAC is a membership coalition of more than 90 crime victim service organizations in Minnesota, including prosecution-based victim/witness programs, community programs, law enforcement agencies, civil legal organizations, and also individuals committed to supporting crime victims. We support our membership through training, technical assistance, resources, public policy and legislative initiatives, and networking opportunities” (Minnesota Alliance on Crime [MAC], 2018). For more information, please visit their website at http://www.mnallianceoncrime.org/

Blue Earth County Community Corrections / Blue Earth County Jail: “Blue Earth County Community Corrections supervises juvenile and adult misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, and felony level offenders on diversion, probation, and parole. As an intern, you will have an individualized learning experience that will contribute to your education and future development. You will have an opportunity for hands-on learning of how the criminal justice system works, specifically related to the area of adult and juvenile, probation, or probation and parole.

Under the supervision of a probation officer, you will meet with assigned offenders and complete required investigative and progress reports” (Blue Earth County MN, 2018). For more information, please visit their website at https://www.blueearthcountymn.gov/235/Interns.

Primary Contact: Jill Kroc jill.kroc@blueearthcountymn.gov 

Additional Information: Internship is with Probation. Interns accepted for credit only, 450 hours minimum, no J-Terms for now. No shadowing/volunteering.

Leo A. Hoffmann Center: The mission of the Hoffmann Learning Center volunteer program is to build healthy relationships with adolescent males who are in treatment for problematic sexual behavior. You may apply for an internship through their website at www.hoffmanncenter.org/internships.php and/or you may work at the Hoffmann Center through gustavus at https://gustavus.edu/communityservice/serviceprograms/hoffmann.php 

Primary Contact: Gene Taylor, 507-934-7791, gtaylor@hoffmann.org 

Additional Information: Will accept interns age 21+. 440 hours minimum due to training (so over 14 weeks, 30ish hours a week) late Sept/early Oct deadline for spring semester. Ask for resume and cover letter which includes how many hours the student wants. Takes most qualified. Typically 3pm-11pm shifts and some weekends.