Gustie Buddies

Gustie Buddies is a mentorship program that pairs Gustavus students and youth with developmental delays from St. Peter and the surrounding communities to foster friendship and personal growth.  Volunteers meet four times a month with their buddy. Two of which are planned group activities and two are individual meetings. Last year, the group activities included bowling, a Minnesota Twins game, science experiments, canvas painting and many other fun activities.


The mission of Gustie Buddies is to provide a safe environment for youth with developmental delays from St. Peter and the surrounding communities to strengthen personal skills, increase self confidence and build relationships. This will happen through positive and compassionate relationships with Gustavus students who are committed to promoting growth in understanding of themselves and others through dynamic and intentional programming.

Important Dates to Know 

  • Coming Soon!

How to Apply

Applications have closed for the year. If you are interested in being put on a waitlist, please email Eavan at

Gustavus Students: Click Here for a volunteer application. Applications have closed.

Community Members: Click here for a buddy application. Applications have closed.

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Name Role Gustavus Email Address
Jenna Hogstad Coordinator
Jacob Partington Coordinator
Mara Lien Coordinator
Beau Supan Coordinator
Ava Kraemer Coordinator