Appendix E: Student WRITD-Pre-Course Survey

*To be completed during the first week of classes by all students in the selected sample of WRITD courses within Phase I WAC Assessment, Fall 2010.  Survey should be online format. 

Student Survey, Phase I, Assessment of Student Writing-WRITD, Fall 2010

Thank you for participating in the assessment of our WRITD requirement. This very brief survey will just provide some background information about individual perceptions of writing. The form to be completed later in the semester will help us learn more about how well WRITD courses across the curriculum benefit student writing.

Your input is an extremely important part of this process. We are asking for baseline information such as major and student I.D. number so that we can compare pre-course and post-course data and learn important information about the writing program. Only composite data will be used as part of the assessment process. Individual student names and I.D. numbers will only be viewed by the Director of the Office of Institutional Research and the Director of Writing Across the Curriculum as part of the data analysis process but will not be included in any reports. We ask that you complete all questions within the survey to the best of your ability. It won’t take much of your time!

Your First and Last Name__________________________________________________

Student I.D. Number____________________________

Major _____________________ Second Major (if any)_____________________

Minor (if any) ________________

Year in School: _____First Year Student ____Sophomore ____Junior ____Senior

WRITD Course Completed (Departmental designation and course number…For example, REL 113): _________________________________________

Name of Course Instructor: ______________________________________

1. When you completed high school and began your FTS college level writing course, how well prepared did you feel for college-level writing?

Not Prepared
Somewhat Prepared

2. As you complete this WRITD course, how do you rate the following aspects of your writing?

1=Needs significant improvement
2=Needs some improvement
4=Very strong

State a clear thesis and properly develop an argument.
Find, evaluate, and select primary and secondary sources.
Effectively integrate and cite primary and secondary sources as evidence within a paper.
Use convention such as grammar and mechanics appropriately to produce clear, concise writing.
Write effective sentences and paragraphs.
Effectively structure a paper effectively to enhance clarity for readers.
Avoid use of clichés and phrases that generalize.
Make effective choices regarding voice and language to suit the needs of specific audiences.
Revise successfully with the help of instructor or peer feedback.

3. When you enroll in a course that satisfies a WRITD (Writing in the Disciplines) general education requirement, what do you expect to learn? Please describe two or things you might expect to learn or explore in such a course. For example, how to write for a certain audience, how to use conventions within a discipline, etc.

4. How do you feel about writing within your college courses?

I do not enjoy writing in college courses.
I don’t mind writing within college courses provided the topic is of interest.
I generally enjoy writing projects and assignments within college courses.

Other comments about writing within college courses:


5. How do you feel about writing outside of college courses (letters, web pages, poetry, or other forms of writing)?
I do not enjoy writing outside of college courses.
I don’t mind writing outside of college courses.
I generally enjoy writing outside of college courses.

6. Since beginning college, how many papers of each length have you written in college courses? (Indicate a number for each blank.)
5 pages or less
6-10 pages
11 or more pages

7. How many college writing courses have you completed for each category listed below?
____WRITD courses (Writing in the Discipline)

____WRITI courses (Writing Intensive)

____Don’t know the difference but have completed x number of writing courses


THANK YOU for sharing your thoughts!