Career and Internship OpportunitiesPeace Studies

Directories and Resources tab for more opportunities.


Common Cause Minnesota (St. Paul, MN)

The Center for Victims of Torture (Minneapolis, MN)

HECUA (St. Paul, MN)

International Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (Minneapolis, MN)

The Advocates for Human Rights (Minneapolis, MN)

World Citizen, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN)


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (Washington D.C.)

Amnesty International (Washington D.C.)

Christian Peacemaker Teams

Coalition of Human Needs (Washington D.C.)

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Friends Committee on National Legislation (Washington D.C.)

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (Maryland)

Sojourners Internship Program (Washington D.C.)

The Center for International Policy (Washington D.C.)

The Institute for Policy Studies (Washington D.C.)

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) (International)

Vets for Peace


International Institute for Central American Development Studies (Central America)

International Internships offered through the Center for Global Education, GMU

Oxfam (International)

Pace e Bene Francisan Nonviolence Center (South America)

PaxChristi USA

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Stockholm, Beijing)

Excellent article on getting a job with the UN.