Announcement: Voting Information


Voting information for Minnesota and local residents:

 Your vote is your voice! Make a plan to vote.

 To register, change your registration address, or check your registration, go to the Minnesota Secretary of State website.

You can request a mail-in ballot at the same site. Register first to avoid delays.

St. Peter and most other Nicollet County residents can vote at the Nicollet County Government Center already. Ballots will be stored in a secured ballot box on-site. Ballot counting begins 14 days prior to the election.

If you plan to vote in person on Election Day on November 3, you can find your voting location (and sample ballot) at

Note: Students who choose to register using their Gustavus address need to use their residence hall and room number as their address or their registration will be rejected. It's particularly important that they register before requesting an absentee ballot.

For all kinds of other voting information for in-state and out-of-state voters, please check out this awesome website put together by the students' Voter Engagement Team!

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