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Conventiculum Bostoniense

On this site there is a full description of the Conventiculum Bostoniense, a full-immersion residential experience sponsored by Classics Department of University of Massachusetts at Boston, specifically designed for teachers in schools and universities, who want to gain some ability to communicate ex-tempore in correct Latin on a wide range of subjects. Two different graduate level courses are offered during the Conventiculum, one for first time attendees and the other for returning participants or those who already have experience with Latin as a communicative language. Days are filled with instructional activities, including sessions focused on oral expression or prose composition, opportunities for social interaction.

We think this experience might be of great interest to teachers of Latin who are members of the Classical Association of Minnesota. If you need any futher information, please don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail.

Terence Tunberg, Professor,
Division of Classics,
Department of Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures, & Cultures,
1055 Patterson Office Tower, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0027, U.S.A.