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CAM's Latin Teacher of the Year Award

Call for Nominations for CAM's 2009 Latin Teacher of the Year Award

The nominee should be a member of CAM and a Latin teacher in an elementary, middle, or high school in Minnesota. He or she must demonstrate excellence in teaching and foster in students an interest in continued study of Latin and the classical world. All that is required for a nomination is a letter describing in detail the qualifications of the nominee; a resume or CV for the nominee is desirable but not essential. Supporting documents from the nominee's colleagues, students, and administrators may be requested later.

Nominations (self-nominations are acceptable, too) should be sent to:

by October 10, 2009.

Previous Awardees
2008: Michelle Breuer Vitt (Minnehaha Academy, Minneapolis)
2007: Courtney A. Holman (Nova Classical Academy, St. Paul)
2006: Judith Kavanaugh (Cretin-Derham Hall, St. Paul)
2005: Ellen D. Sassenberg (Mayo High School, Rochester)
2004: James D. Kluth (Schaeffer Academy, Rochester)
2003: Robert E. Neslund (Benilde-St. Margaret's School, St. Louis Park)
2002: Michelle Breuer Vitt (Minnehaha Academy, Minneapolis)
2001: Dennis M. Rayl (Trinity School, Bloomington)
2000: Byron Bekiares (Thomas Jefferson High School, Bloomington)
1999: Virginia Jensen (Edina High School, Edina)
1998: David B. Sims (St. Paul Academy, St. Paul)
The APA's David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship for Travel in Classical Lands (2010)

In 2010 the American Philological Association (APA) will again award the David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship for study and travel in classical lands. The Fellowship was established in 2004 by the friends and students of David and Rosemary Coffin to honor the skill, devotion, learning, and kindness with which they educated students at Phillips Exeter Academy for more than thirty years.

The Fellowship is intended to recognize secondary-school teachers of Greek or Latin who are as dedicated to their students as the Coffins themselves by giving them the opportunity to enrich their teaching and their lives through direct acquaintance with the classical world. It will support study in classical lands (not limited to Greece and Italy); the recipient may use it to attend an educational program in (e.g. American Academy, American School) or to undertake an individual plan of study or research. It may be used either for summer study or during a sabbatical leave, and it may be used to supplement other awards or prizes.

Candidates for the Fellowship must have been teaching Latin or Ancient Greek at the secondary level (grades 9-12) in North America as a significant part of their academic responsibilities for three years out of the five prior to the award. Membership in the APA is not a requirement for application, although it is expected that applicants will have demonstrated an active interest in the profession and in their own professional development. Selection will be made on the basis of written applications by the Coffin Fellowship Committee. The amount of the award for 2010 will be $2,500. Recipients of the award will be expected to file a written report on their use of the Fellowship, which the Association may include in one of its publications.

Applications should consist of a) a curriculum vitae; b) a statement of how the Fellowship will be used and how it will further the applicant’s teaching; c) three letters of recommendation, at least one of them from the applicant’s chair or principal, and at least one from a former student. Applicants should send four copies of the c.v., the statement, and the letters of recommendation to the APA Office so that they arrive in the Office no later than Monday, February 1, 2010.

American Philological Association
292 Claudia Cohen Hall • University of Pennsylvania • 249 S. 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304
Telephone: 215-898-4975 • FAX: 215-573-7874
E-mail: apaclassics@sas.upenn.edu
Web Site: http://www.apaclassics.org