
Reflection Questions via InterviewStream

Assigned questions will be accessed and recorded through InterviewStream (use your Gustavus email address to log in). These questions are designed to help you reflect on your internship and learn to articulate what you have learned and gained from your experience. These skills will be crucial when interviewing for your next internship or a job after graduation. 

InterviewStream requires the use of a webcam. If you do not have private space, Career Development has space where you can record your answers in private. 

Informational Interviews

Informational interviews should be conducted with individuals whose careers are in the industry you are considering. Through the interview you will want to learn more about the career path and the true nature of the work. Informational interviews are also great opportunities to build your network!

Click here for information on conducting an informational interview.

Updated Resume (Semester and Summer Internships)

An updated resume, including information on your internship, should be posted to your Handshake account. Resume information is available online or in Career Development. It is beneficial to update your resume while the experiences in and contributions to your internship are still fresh. 


At the end of the internship your Site Supervisor will complete an evaluation of your work. It is beneficial for you and your supervisor to review the evaluation and discuss the experience. Once completed, the evaluation will be delivered by you or your Site Supervisor to the Career Development Internship Director. A copy of the evaluation will be shared with your Faculty Supervisor prior to grading. 

Due Dates

Assignments will be explained and due dates provided during the mandatory Orientation. Orientation dates, times and locations can be found here


Updated 9/4/2015 JK