Great Discoveries Survey

Below are two lists; one a partial list of discoveries for which Nobel prizes were awarded and a second, a list of great engineering achievements, taken from a survey by the National Academy of Engineers. For each list, select up to 5 which you think represents the greatest achievement and which affected our lives most in the past century. We'll also give you the opportunity to predict what you think will be the most important issues in the foreseeable future.

You may print out this survey (be sure "Print Background" is selected) or download it in PDF format.

20 or less
21 to 40
Over 80

Scientific Discoveries: Here is a sample of discoveries for which a Nobel Prize was awarded. Vote for the 5 you think had the greatest impact on human life during the pas century.

Discovery of fullerenes

Development of lasers

Discovery of phosphorylation mechanisms

Development of the transistor

Discover of prions

Development of holograph

Discovery of signal proteins

Discovery of superconductivity

Discovery of Woodward-Hoffman rules

Development of electron microscopy

Discovery of x-rays & radiation

Development of chaos theory

Discoveries in Quantum mechanics

Discoveries of the structure of atoms

Discovery of the theory of relativity

Development of computers

Discovery of vitamins

Discovery of causes of communicative diseases

Discovery of structure of DNA

Discoveries of how cells communicate

Discovery of penicillin & other antibiotics

Discoveries about how drugs work in our cells

Discovery of culture techniques leading to vaccines

Discoveries about how our neurons and brains work

Discovery of chlorofluorocarbons threat to ozone layer

Discovery of artificial elements beyond uranium

Discoveries of the mechanisms of the immune system

Great Engineering Achievements Engineers completing a survey by the National Academy of Engineers identified the following as the 20 greatest engineering accomplishments of the past century. Vote for the 5 you think had the greatest impact on human existence.

Water supply & distribution

Agricultural mechanization



Radio & television







Household appliances

Air conditioning



Health technologies

Petrochemical technologies

Laser & fiber optics

Nuclear technologies

High-performance materials

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