Link to Spring 2002 Seminar Program

Fall 2001 Seminar Program
All seminars begin at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays in Nobel 201,
with refreshments beginning at 2:30 p.m. in the Nobel Hall lobby.

September 7
no seminar

September 14

Brian O'Brien
research link

1. Philosophy of Seminar Attendance
2. Research - Fun with Phosphorus (and Re and Os and...)
Gustavus Adolphus College
September 21

Gretchen Hofmeister
research link

Pharmaceuticals, Medical Sutures, and Plastic--The Titanium Connection
Gustavus Adolphus College
September 21
Jonathan Smith
research link
Twist and Shout: What Happens When You Tweak Molecules with Lasers?
Gustavus Adolphus College
September 28
John Goodpaster
GAC '95
Evidence That Never Lies: Analytical Chemistry Applied to Human Hair
click here to read more
National Institute of Science & Technology
Kenton Rodgers
research link

Studies of Heme Proteins, from Medicine to Materials

North Dakota State University
October 26
Allan Splittgerber
research link
Protein Assay Reagents and Other Assorted Topics
Gustavus Adolphus College
November 2

Eric Zilley
GAC '78

Patents & Careers in Patent Law
November 9
Edgar Arriaga
research group link
recent publications
Novel Analytical Strategies for Cells and Organelles
University of Minnesota
November 16
Joseph Thrasher
research link
The Wonderful Universe of Fluorine Chemistry: From Terraforming Mars to Fluoropolymer Membranes
in Fuel Cells
University of Alabama
November 30
Fred Behr
A. Atmospheric Chemistry of Fluorochemicals

B. Process for Preparing Hydrofluoroethers(HFEs) and Hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs)
December 7
Jeffrey Dahlseid
GAC '90
research link
No-Nonsense mRNA Degradation: Regulating Genes Necessary for Chromosome Stability
Saint Olaf College

Past Seminar Schedules: Fall 2000; Spring 2001; posters from Fall 2000

Additional Seminars and Talks

Location & Time
2 & 3
The Second Nobel Century: What Is Still to Be Discovered?
Sigma Xi Lecture
Phi Beta Kappa Lecture



©2000 Gustavus Adolphus College. All Rights Reserved. 
Last modified: October 2001 by Brian A. O'Brien