Fall 2000 Seminar Program
September 15
Angela DeGreeff Chris Krug |
Student Research Presentations and Posters Ni-Mediated Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroethylene Detection of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5,6]pyridine (PhIP) in Wine by Solid Matrix Luminescence |
September 22
Synthesis and Characterization of Quaternary Rare-earth
Polychalcophosphate Compounds
Colorado State
September 29
Kinetics and Mechanisms of Ligand Exchange around
Re(V) Catalysts
Iowa State
October 13
Greg Gillespie
You're right, you don't need 90% of what is in the P-chem curriculum, but.... Students often wonder why so much irrelevant material is foisted upon them in their undergraduate courses. P-Chem and calculus often bear the brunt of such criticisms by chemistry majors, but no doubt undergraduates in all majors express similar frustrations and douts. During my seminar, I'll use projects at Dakota Technologies, a high technology business I co-founded in 1993, to show that you can never be quite sure what information you'll need to solve "real-world" problems or when you'll need it. I'll also take advantage of the opportunity to describe a few of my ideas for re-structuring the undergraduate curriculum. Followed by Fall Chemistry Picnic |
North Dakota State & Dakota
October 27
Gas-sensing Heme Proteins: Allosteric Regulation Through
Coordination Sphere Reorganization
University of Wisconsin, Madison
November 3
Research Presentations
November 10
Geochemical research at the Large Lakes Observatory:
Understanding the history of global climate
University of Minnesota, Duluth
November 17
2D Mass Spectroscopy: Mining for Mechanisms of Chemical Bond Fragmentation My undergraduate research group at Carleton is interested in dissecting the bond breakage half of chemistry when a small gaseous molecule absorbs very high-energy light (X-rays). Simple ideas suggest all bonds would be obliterated at once. In reality, there are a number of concerted and sequential mechanisms that involve early or late ejection of neutral pieces and separation of charged fragments � complexity abounds! I will discuss a fancy and intriguing kind of 2D time-of-flight mass spectroscopy that allows us to simultaneously detect 1 electron and 2 positive ion pieces produced from the fragmentation of a single molecule. I will focus on results from C4F8 and piece together a detailed "billiard ball" picture of how molecules fall apart following photo-excitation. Photofragmentation studies can help establish basic mechanistic principles and patterns relevant to more applied systems like the earth�s atmosphere. |
Carleton College
December 1
* All seminars begin at 3:00 PM on Fridays in Nobel 201 with refreshments beginning at 2:30 PM in the Nobel Hall lobby
Additional Seminars and Talks
Talk Location
and Time
Nobel 201, 8 AM
Spring: TBA
October 3 and 4
Globalization 2000: Economic Prospects and Challenges
November 2
The Long and Short of Polyenes: The Photochemistry
of Linearly Conjugated Systems
Bowdoin College
Nobel 305, 1:30 PM