Preparing for Your Job Search

Research Your Career Field

  • The Career Library has career, job search, and internship books that can be checked out for two weeks at a time. Please feel free to view all Career Library titles.
  • LinkedIn is a great way to connect with Alumni and present yourself as an eligible and effective candidate. Remember that this is site for professional use, and conduct yourself accordingly. For information on how you can use LinkedIn to connect and potentially find new opportunities, visit our website on networking.
  • Employer presentations provide students the opportunity to learn about careers through information sessions held on campus. Students at all levels are invited and encouraged to attend employer information sessions. Business casual dress is most common and students should bring résumés and questions. Check GustieJobs calendar for presentation times and locations; some employers only do information sessions, others do information sessions and campus interviews.
  • There are a number of programs scheduled to help students prepare for all of these activities on the Career Development Events page.
  • JOBipedia is a reliable forum where students can ask questions ranging from the hiring process to interviewing to questions that arise during the first few months of a new career.
  • Job Search To Do List

Create your Resume and Cover Letter

Brush up on your interviewing skills


Updated 8/23/2013 JMV