Alumni News

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Bob Derr received his Masters at Indiana University at Bloomington in 1988, after which he worked at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, DC until 1992, analyzing pricing data in support of a large international survey.  He started work toward a PhD in Statistics at UNC-Chapel Hill in 1992, working part-time at SAS Institute (statistics and business software) in 1994 and full-time in 1997.  He finished the PhD in 1999 and is currently studying and programming categorical modeling methods for SAS, and is researching graphical modeling and causality.

Lynn (Fasching) Giles is currently the Global Technical Support Manager for ARTiSAN Software Tools, which develops innovative software modeling solutions that accelerate the development of real-time systems.  She says her computer science major has been in use since two weeks after she graduated in 1984.

Jonathan Hilding is a senior high mathematics teacher at Hudson High School in Hudson WI, where he also serves as the boys varsity tennis coach.  This will be his tenth year at Hudson and seventeenth year of teaching.  He has continued his education throughout his teaching career and earned a Master of Arts from Viterbo College.  Recently, his main area of focus for teaching is pre-calculus.  He is married to Juli, and they have two boys: Ben (12) and Stephen (10).

Dave Wiggins is high school math teacher at South St. Paul High School.


Vic Johnson has worked for EDS (Electronic Data Systems) since graduating from GAC, having just passed his 15th anniversary there. He has worked at their Minneapolis Solution Center for the last ten years, but has also worked in Detroit, Columbus, Dallas, and San Francisco.  Throughout his career, he has worked on the technical (non-managerial) side of the computer business as a programmer/analyst.  Roughly the first half of his career with EDS was spent coding systems that ran on large IBM mainframe systems, while the second half of his career has focused on the the PC/Client Server type of technologies.  These projects have run on hardware for Compaq, Tandem, HP, Sun and used technologies like PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, Java, HTML, VRML and have run largely against relational databases from Oracle, Sybase, Ingress, and Tandem.

Kim Olson Nelson is married to Dave Nelson (GAC '86 math major, who is a civil engineer).  Kim is a former high school math teacher who is now home educating their four children.