Using the Functional Graphics Tool with DrScheme

As mentioned in the description of the functional graphics library, that library has certain disadvantages:

We have an alternative implementation of the functional graphics package for DrScheme that works around these problems. However, it incurs some disadvantages of its own:

If, having considered this tradeoff, you still consider it worth using the tool version, read on for a description of how to install the tool. Please note that once you have installed this tool, you should not use the library, nor the library, since they duplicate the same functionality. Instead, the only one of our libraries you should still use is the library, for the object-oriented programming system.

You will need to make a sub-directory (or folder) of plt/collects/drscheme/tools (or plt\collects\drscheme\tools or whatever) called fungraph. Then you can download into that plt/collects/drscheme/tools/fungraph directory the file. (Note that it must be named for the tool to work.)

Now if you start up DrScheme, it will automatically load in this tool as it starts up.

For more information, see the parent web page, or contact Max Hailperin:
Mathematics and Computer Science Department
Gustavus Adolphus College
800 W. College Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082
Revision 1.1 as of 1999/08/10 15:45:06