package edu.gac.max.mcs388.s2001.compiler_support; /** The Register class is used to represent a register of the target * architecture (MIPS). For now it is little more than the * $whatever name of the register, but this class might * well be evolved. * *

Written 7 Feb 1997 by * Max Hailperin * <> */ public class Register{ String name; /** The constructor that takes a single String argument expects it to be the name of the register, without the $. */ public Register(String n){ name = "$" + n; } /** The constructor which takes a prefix String and then an integer is for members of numbered families of registers, e.g. one could do new Register("t", 0) to create $t0. */ public Register(String prefix, int num){ this(prefix + num); } /** The toString conversion (which is automatically invoked if a Regiser is added to a String) provides the name, inclusive of the $. */ public String toString(){ return name; } /** The equals method is overriden such that Registers are equal if their names are equal */ public boolean equals(Object other){ if(other instanceof Register) return name.equals(((Register)other).name); else return super.equals(other); } /** The hashCode method is overriden to reflect the name-based equality. */ public int hashCode(){ return name.hashCode(); } }