A General Works

B-BJ Philosophy. Psychology

BL-BX Religion

C-F History

G-H Social Sciences

J Political Science

K Law

L Education

M Music

N Fine Arts

P Language and Literature

Q Science

R Medicine

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T Technology

U-V Military Science

Z Bibliography. Library



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Special Collections Microtext



September 16-30, 2010                                                           
B833 .B65 2009                                                                  
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BF38 .G46 2009                                                                  
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BF204.6 .O95 2009                                                               
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BF204.6 .O954 2010                                                              
  Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work.  Oxford ; New York : Oxford  
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BF241 .P438 2010                                                                
  Perceptual expertise : bridging brain and behavior.  Oxford ; New York :      
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BF311 .O937 2009                                                                
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  Mayer-Schonberger, Viktor.  Delete : the virtue of forgetting in the digital  
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  Slosar, J. R.  The culture of excess : how America lost self-control and why  
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BP55 .D66 2010                                                                  
  Donner, Fred McGraw.  Muhammad and the believers : at the origins of Islam.   
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BX6955 .B35 1920                                                                
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  Baxter, Joan.  Dust from our eyes : an unblinkered look at Africa.  2nd ed.   
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DT61 .B315 2009                                                                 
  Baines, John.  Visual and written culture in ancient Egypt.  Oxford ; New     
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E65 .I476 2009                                                                  
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E185.61 .V35 2010                                                               
  Valk, Anne M.  Living with Jim Crow : African American women and memories of  
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E185.96 .M39 2009                                                               
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ND653.G7 T54 1999                                                               
  Tilborgh, Louis van.  Vincent van Gogh paintings.  Amsterdam : Van Gogh       
    Museum ; London : Lund Humphries Publishers ; Wappingers Falls, NY :        
    Distributed in the USA by Antique Collectors' Club, c1999-                  
ND1290.7 .F47 2002                                                              
  Ferrara, Lidia Guibert.  Reclining nude.  San Francisco, CA : Chronicle       
    Books, 2002.                                                                
QK482 .T73 1973                                                                 
  Trees of America.  Waukesha, Wis., Outdoor world [1973]                       
BL2525 .M449 2009                                                               
  Melton, J. Gordon.  Melton's encyclopedia of American religions.  8th ed.     
    Detroit : Gale Cengage Learning, c2009.                                     
BX841 .N44 Suppl. 2010                                                          
  New Catholic encyclopedia supplement 2010.  Detroit : Gale, Cengage           
    Learning ; Washington, D.C. : In association with Catholic University of    
    America, c2010.                                                             
DT563 .D45 2010                                                                 
  DeLancey, Mark D.  Historical dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon.  4th    
    ed.  Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2010.                                   
G2330 .K83 2009                                                                 
  Kukt'o Chiri Chongbowon (Korea).  The national atlas of Korea.  Suwon-si,     
    Korea : National Geographic Information Institute, 2009.                    
CHILDRENS'S BOOKS                                                               
PZ7.H7928 W56 1993                                                              
  Horwood, William.  The willows in winter.  New York : St. Martin's Press,     
PZ7.R87 C67 2008                                                                
  Russell, P. Craig.  Coraline.  1st ed.  New York : HarperCollins, c2008.      
AUDIO VISUAL                                                                    
BX4705.D283 D67 2007                                                            
  Dorothy Day [videorecording] Don't call me a saint.  Los Angeles : One Lucky  
    Dog Prod., 2007.                                                            
DS557.73 .W37 2003                                                              
  The war at home [videorecording].  [United States] : First Run Features,      
GV1785.G7 M375 2007                                                             
  Martha Graham [videorecording] dance on film.  [Irvington, NY] : Criterion    
    Collection, c2007.                                                          
HV5822.M3 S65 2010                                                              
  Sold American [videorecording].  Costa Mesa, Calif. : Dark Hollow Films ;     
    Richard Boehm Films, [2010]                                                 
ML410.C756 A27 2002                                                             
  Aaron Copland [videorecording] a self portrait.  Princeton, NJ : Films for    
    the Humanities, [2002], c1985.                                              
PN1997.2 .G57 2010                                                              
  Man som hatar kvinnor [videorecording] = The girl with the dragon tattoo.     
    [Stockholm] : Yellow Bird ; [Chicago] : Distributed by Music Box Films,     
M2 .R238 v.161                                                                  
  Heinichen, Johann David.  Selected music for vespers.  Middleton, Wis. : A-R  
    Editions, c2010.                                                            
M3 .B23 2010                                                                    
  Bach, Johann Sebastian.  Neue Ausgabe samtlicher Werke : revidierte Edition.  
    Revidierte edition.  Kassel : Barenreiter, 2010-                            
M1619 .S785 2004                                                                
  Standard vocal literature : tenor.  Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard, c2004.        
MUSIC/SPEECH AUDIO VISUAL                                                       
CD 2242                                                                         
  Taj Mahal (Musician).  The natch'l blues [sound recording].  New York, NY :   
    Columbia/Legacy, p2000.                                                     
CD 2243                                                                         
  Monk, Thelonious.  Live at the Jazz Workshop complete [sound recording].      
    New York : Columbia/Legacy, p2001.                                          
CD 2244                                                                         
  Doors (Musical group).  Greatest hits [sound recording].  Los Angeles, CA :   
    Elektra, 1996.                                                              
CD 2245                                                                         
  Arnold, Malcolm.  The chamber music of Malcolm Arnold [sound recording].      
    London : Helios, p2001.                                                     
GACA Collection 211                                                             
  Gustavus Adolphus College.  Old Main souvenir plate, black and white.         
GACA Collection 212                                                             
  Gustavus Adolphus College. Almen-Vickner Foundation.  Records of the Almen-   
    Vickner Foundation.                                                         
GACA Collection 213                                                             
  Gustavus Adolphus College.  Old Main souvenir plate, colorized.               
GACA Collection 214                                                             
  Gustavus Adolphus College. Chaplain's Office.  Collection of the Chaplain's   
GACA Collection 215                                                             
  Rahn, H. Robert.  S. K. Hall.                                                 
GACA Collection 216                                                             
  Gustavus Adolphus College. Office of Residential Life.  Collection of the     
    Residential Life Office.                                                    
GACA Collection 218                                                             
  Gustavus Adolphus College. Campus History Committee.  Records of the Campus   
    History Committee.                                                          
INTERNET RESOURCES                                                              
  Doctorow, Cory.  For the win [electronic resource].  1st ed.  New York : Tor, 
  Doctorow, Cory.  Little brother [electronic resource].  [London] : C.         
    Doctorow, [2008].                                                           
  Doctorow, Cory.  Makers [electronic resource].  1st ed.  New York : Tor,      
  Harvey, Susan Ashbrook.  Asceticism and society in crisis [electronic         
    resource] John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern saints.  Berkeley :  
    University of California Press, c1990.                                      
  Tracy, Stephen V.  Athenian democracy in transition [electronic resource]     
    Attic letter-cutters of 340 to 290 B.C.  Berkeley : University of           
    California Press, c1995.                                                    
  Kakar, M. Hasan.  Afghanistan [electronic resource] the Soviet invasion and   
    the Afghan response, 1979-1982.  Berkeley : University of California Press, 
  Myers, David.  Play redux [electronic resource] the form of computer games.   
    Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press : The University of Michigan   
    Library, c2010.                                                             
  Nardi, Bonnie A.  My life as a night elf priest [electronic resource] an      
    anthropological account of World of warcraft.  Ann Arbor : University of    
    Michigan Press : University of Michigan Library, c2010.                     
  Osugi, Sakae.  The autobiography of Osugi Sakae [electronic resource].        
    Berkeley : University of California Press, c1992.                           
  Media, technology, and society [electronic resource] : theories of media evolution.  Ann Arbor :    
    Digital Culture Books/University of Michigan Press : University of          
    Michigan Library, c2010.                                                    
  Stein, Kevin.  Poetry's afterlife [electronic resource] : verse in the digital age.  Ann Arbor :    
    University of Michigan Press : University of Michigan Library, c2010.       
  Streeby, Shelley.  American sensations [electronic resource] class, empire,   
    and the production of popular culture.  Berkeley : University of            
    California Press, c2002.                                                    
  Witkin, Zara.  An American engineer in Stalin's Russia [electronic resource]  
    the memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934.  Berkeley : University of            
    California Press, c1991.                                                    
HD2899 .K86 2009                                                                
  Kumar, Nirmalya.  India's global powerhouses : how they are taking on the     
    world.  Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Press, c2009.                      
BF515 .B56 2010                                                                 
  Bloom, Paul.  How pleasure works : the new science of why we like what we     
    like.  1st ed.  New York : W. W. Norton, c2010.                             
BF698.35.O57 E37 2009                                                           
  Ehrenreich, Barbara.  Bright-sided : how the relentless promotion of          
    positive thinking has undermined America.  1st ed.  New York :              
    Metropolitan Books, 2009.                                                   
PS3557.O467 L83 2010                                                            
  Gonzales, Laurence.  Lucy : a novel.  1st ed.  New York : Alfred A Knopf,     
PS3569.I47292 D76 2010                                                          
  Simmons, Dan.  Drood : a novel.  1st Back Bay trade pbk. ed.  New York :      
    Back Bay, 2010, c2009.                                                      
SK301 .W347 2010                                                                
  Weaver, Will.  The last hunter : an American family album.  St. Paul, MN :    
    Borealis Books, 2010.                                                       
Summary of entries by Holding Library                                           
HLC   Name                                      # Entries                       
MNGA  MAIN                                                  289                 
MNGB  OVERSIZE                                                5                 
MNGC  REFERENCE                                               3                 
MNGG  REFERENCE/ATLASES                                       1                 
MNGI  CHILDRENS'S BOOKS                                       2                 
MNGM  AUDIO VISUAL                                            6                 
MNGN  MUSIC/SPEECH                                            3                 
MNGO  MUSIC/SPEECH AUDIO VISUAL                               4                 
MNGZ  ARCHIVES                                                7                 
MNG1  INTERNET RESOURCES                                     13                 
MNG3  HASSELQUIST                                             1                 
MNG4  BROWSING                                                5                 
      Total entries for this Institution                    339