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February 01-15, 2011 MAIN B1499.E8 H65 2010 Holden, Thomas Anand. Spectres of false divinity : Hume's moral atheism. Oxford, U.K.; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. BF1611 .L435 2007 Lehrich, Christopher I. The occult mind : magic in theory and practice. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2007. BH39 .L539 2008 The life and death of images : ethics and aesthetics. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. BJ1533.C8 S23 2010 Scarre, Geoffrey. On courage. London ; New York : Routledge, 2010. BM185 .R86 2008 Rustow, Marina. Heresy and the politics of community : the Jews of the Fatimid caliphate. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. BR115.E3 E43 2006 Ekelund, Robert B. The marketplace of Christianity. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2006. BX3632.L3 B87 2008 Burnham, Louisa A. So great a light, so great a smoke : the Beguin heretics of Languedoc. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. CS1169 .Y42 2011 Esherick, Joseph. Ancestral leaves : a family journey through Chinese history. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2011. D228 .W53 2009 Wills, John E. The world from 1450 to 1700. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. D670 .B83 2010 Budreau, Lisa M. Bodies of war : World War I and the politics of commemoration in America, 1919-1933. New York : New York University Press, c2010. D755.7 .H56 2009 Hitchcock, William I. The bitter road to freedom : a new history of the liberation of Europe. 1st Free Press trade pbk. ed. New York : Free Press, 2009. D767 .U58 2007 The unpredictability of the past : memories of the Asia-Pacific war in U.S./East Asian relations. Durham : Duke University Press, 2007. D767.2 .I313 1978 Ienaga, Saburo. The Pacific War : World War II and the Japanese, 1931-1945. 1st American ed. New York : Pantheon Books, c1978. D769.8.A6 R64 2009 Robinson, Greg. A tragedy of democracy : Japanese confinement in North America. New York : Columbia University Press, c2009. D804.7.D43 B528 2011 Blatman, Daniel. The death marches : the final phase of Nazi genocide. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011. D804.7.M67 D43 2010 Dean, Carolyn J. Aversion and erasure : the fate of the victim after the Holocaust. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2010. D805.G3 C5918 2010 Concentration camps in Nazi Germany : the new histories. London ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2010. D810.C698 H47 1999 Henson, Maria Rosa. Comfort woman : a Filipina's story of prostitution and slavery under the Japanese military. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c1999. D810.C698 T36 2002 Tanaka, Toshiyuki. Japan's comfort women : sexual slavery and prostitution during World War II and the US occupation. London ; New York : Routledge, 2002. DA176 .R65 2010 Rollison, David. A commonwealth of the people : popular politics and England's long social revolution, 1066-1649. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. DA995.B5 D695 2009 Doyle, Mark. Fighting like the devil for the sake of God : Protestants, Catholics and the origins of violence in Victorian Belfast. Manchester ; New York : Manchester University Press ; New York : Distributed in the United States exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. DC91.5 .G37 2008 Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia. The making of Saint Louis : kingship, sanctity, and crusade in the later Middle Ages. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. DD120.E852 L58 2009 Liulevicius, Vejas G. The German myth of the East : 1800 to the present. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. DG205 .C35 2009 The Cambridge companion to the Roman historians. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c2009. DK221 .W28 2008 Weeks, Theodore R. Nation and state in late Imperial Russia : nationalism and Russification on the western frontier, 1863-1914. DeKalb : Northern Illinois University Press, c2008. DK236.U4 P66 2010 Pomper, Philip. Lenin's brother : the origins of the October Revolution. 1st ed. New York : W.W. Norton & Co., c2010. DL65 .V52 2010 The Viking age : a reader. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2010. DL1032 .L384 2006 Lavery, Jason Edward. The history of Finland. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2006. DP203.5 .J68 2001 Jover Zamora, Jose Maria. Espana--sociedad, politica, y civilizacion, (siglos XIX-XX). 1. ed. Madrid : Arete, c2001. DP233.8 .P65 2000 La politica exterior de Espana en el siglo XX. Madrid, Espana : Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia : Biblioteca Nueva, c2000. DP272 .P668 2001 Powell, Charles T. Espana en democracia, 1975-2000. 1. ed. Barcelona : Plaza & Janes, 2001. DP302.B53 J83 1997 Juaristi, Jon. El bucle melancolico : historias de nacionalistas vascos. 5th ed. Madrid : Espasa, 1998, c1997. DR435.K87 W38 2010 Watts, Nicole F. Activists in office : Kurdish politics and protest in Turkey. Seattle : University of Washington Press, c2010. DS63.2.U5 G37 2009 Gardner, Lloyd C. Three kings : the rise of an American empire in the Middle East after World War II. New York : New Press, c2009. DS135.E6 L533 2009 Bartlet, Suzanne. Licoricia of Winchester : marriage, motherhood and murder in the medieval Anglo-Jewish community. London ; Portland, OR : Vallentine Mitchell, 2009. DS135.G7 B69 2009 Bowman, Steven B. The agony of Greek Jews, 1940-1945. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c2009. DS135.K8 S23 2008 Sabar, Ariel. My father's paradise : a son's search for his Jewish past in Kurdish Iraq. 1st ed. Chapel Hill, N.C. : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2008. DS135.R9 S65 2008 Spiegel, Philip. Triumph over tyranny : the heroic campaigns that saved 2, 000,000 Soviet Jews. New York : Devora Publishing, c2008. DS146.G7 J85 2010 Julius, Anthony. Trials of the diaspora : a history of anti-semitism in England. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. DS421 .M75 2002 Mukerji, Dhan Gopal. Caste and outcast. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c2002. DS556.93.H39 A3 2003 Hayslip, Le Ly. When heaven and earth changed places : a Vietnamese woman's journey from war to peace. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Plume, 2003, c2002. DS557.7 .V5664 2010 The Vietnam War : an assessment by South Vietnam's generals. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University Press, c2010. DS559.4 .A44 2009 Allen, Michael J. Until the last man comes home : POWs, MIAs, and the unending Vietnam War. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2009. DS559.73.U6 K856 2009 Kulik, Gary. "War stories" : false atrocity tales, swift boaters, and winter soldiers--what really happened in Vietnam. 1st ed. Washington, D.C. : Potomac Books, c2009. DS559.93.S66 L86 2010 Luong, Hy V. Tradition, revolution, and market economy in a North Vietnamese village, 1925-2006. Rev. and expanded ed. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2010. DS754.4.C53 A33 1988 Kangxi, Emperor of China. Emperor of China : self portrait of Kang Hsi. Vintage books ed. New York : Vintage Books, 1988, c1974. DS777.56 .H86 2011 Hung, Chang-tai. Mao's new world : political culture in the early People's Republic. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2011. DS786 .G6356 2009 Goldstein, Melvyn C. On the Cultural Revolution in Tibet : the Nyemo Incident of 1969. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2009. DS796.S257 B4713 2009 Bergere, Marie-Claire. Shanghai : China's gateway to modernity. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c2009. DS822.5 .R43 2000 Reid, T. R. Confucius lives next door : what living in the East teaches us about living in the West. 1st Vintage Books ed. New York : Vintage, 2000, c1999. DS871.7 .H454 2009 Hellyer, Robert I. Defining engagement : Japan and global contexts, 1640- 1868. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Asia Center : Distributed by Harvard University Press, c2009. DS881.5.K285 A3 1988 Katsu, Kokichi. Musui's story : the autobiography of a Tokugawa samurai. 1st ed. Tucson : University of Arizona Press, c1988. DS897.H5 R59 2010 Rizzuto, Rahna R. Hiroshima in the morning. New York : Feminist Press, 2010. DS916.55 .A86 2010 Atkins, E. Taylor. Primitive selves : Koreana in the Japanese colonial gaze, 1910-1945. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2010. DS935.774 .M44 2010 McEachern, Patrick. Inside the red box : North Korea's post-totalitarian politics. New York : Columbia University Press, c2010. DT16.5 .A37 2009 Afro-Latino voices : narratives from the early modern Ibero-Atlantic world, 1550-1812. Indianapolis, IN : Hackett Pub., c2009. DT546.265 .L55 2009 Likaka, Osumaka. Naming colonialism : history and collective memory in the Congo, 1870-1960. Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, c2009. DT2996 .C66 2011 Compagnon, Daniel. A predictable tragedy : Robert Mugabe and the collapse of Zimbabwe. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2011. E99.C6 H648 2011 Treuer, Anton. The assassination of Hole in the Day. St. Paul, MN : Borealis Books, c2011. E99.M83 U536 2003 Oberg, Michael Leroy. Uncas : first of the Mohegans. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, c2003. E184.A75 M34 2009 Maeda, Daryl J. Chains of Babylon : the rise of Asian America. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c2009. E184.C5 T834 2010 Tsui, Bonnie. American Chinatown : a people's history of five neighborhoods. 1st Free Press trade pbk. ed. New York : Free Press, 2010. E184.V53 H38 1994 Hayslip, Le Ly. Child of war, woman of peace. New York : Anchor Books, c1994. E184.353 .L43 2009 Lederhendler, Eli. Jewish immigrants and American capitalism, 1880-1920 : from caste to class. Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. E185.2 .F277 2010 Farmer-Kaiser, Mary. Freedwomen and the Freedmen's Bureau : race, gender, and public policy in the age of emancipation. 1st ed. New York : Fordham University Press, 2010. E185.5.N276 S85 2009 Sullivan, Patricia. Lift every voice : the NAACP and the making of the civil rights movement. New York : New Press : Distributed by Perseus Distribution, 2009. E185.615 .W328 2009 Want to start a revolution? : radical women in the Black freedom struggle. New York : New York University Press, c2009. E185.86 .G494 2010 Gill, Tiffany M. Beauty shop politics : African American women's activism in the beauty industry. Urbana ; Chicago : University of Illinois Press, c2010. E185.86 .H36 2009 Harris, Duchess. Black feminist politics from Kennedy to Clinton. 1st ed. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. E661 .S64 2009 Speaking history : oral histories of the American past, 1865-present. 1st ed. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. F265.J5 R64 2010 Rogoff, Leonard. Down home : Jewish life in North Carolina. Chapel Hill : Published in association with the Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina by the University of North Carolina Press, c2010. F1219.1.O11 A73 2008 Arfman, William R. Visiting the Calvario at Mitla, Oaxaca : a critical look at the continuity of a religious practice. [Leiden] : Sidestone Press, c2008. F1410 .O95 2011 The Oxford handbook of Latin American history. New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. F1783 .M397 2009 McGillivray, Gillian. Blazing cane : sugar communities, class, and state formation in Cuba, 1868-1959. Durham : Duke University Press, 2009. F1928.2 .S39 2010 Schwartz, Timothy T. Travesty in Haiti : a true account of Christian missions, orphanages, fraud, food aid, and drug trafficking. 2nd ed. [Charleston, S.C. : BookSurge Publishing], 2010. F2258 .C64 2010 Colombia : a country study. 5th ed. Washington, D.C. : Federal Research Division, Library of Congress : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 2010. F3429 .D57 2010 Distant provinces in the Inka empire : toward a deeper understanding of Inka imperialism. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, c2010. GC117.C37 B59 2009 Blue carbon : the role of healthy oceans in binding carbon : a rapid response assessment. Arendal [Norway] : GRID-Arendal, [2009] GE50 .T87 2010 The turning points of environmental history. Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press : Published in cooperation with the Rachel Carson Center, c2010. GR225 .S87 2004 Swedish folktales and legends. 1st University of Minnesota Press ed. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2004. GT2846.R66 Y44 2010 Yegul, Fikret K. Bathing in the Roman world. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. GT2853.U5 F57 2009 Flammang, Janet A. The taste for civilization : food, politics, and civil society. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2009. GV1588.6 .W66 2010 Wong, Yutian. Choreographing Asian America. Middletown, Conn. : Wesleyan University Press, c2010. GV1781 .R48 2004 Rethinking dance history : a reader. London ; New York : Routledge, 2004. HB195 .G86 2009 Guns and butter : the economic causes and consequences of conflict. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2009. HC51 .M395 2010 McCloskey, Deirdre N. Bourgeois dignity : why economics can't explain the modern world. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2010. HD30.2 .U53 2007 Understanding knowledge as a commons : from theory to practice. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2007. HD4975 .L83 2004 Luce, Stephanie. Fighting for a living wage. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2004. HD6250.R92 G67 2009 Gorshkov, Boris B. Russia's factory children : state, society, and law, 1800-1917. Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2009. HD8039.R12 K67 2010 Kornweibel, Theodore. Railroads in the African American experience : a photographic journey. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2010. HF3685 .S736 2009 Stein, Barbara H. Edge of crisis : war and trade in the Spanish Atlantic, 1789-1808. Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. HF5415 .B7763 2009 Burton, Dawn. Cross-cultural marketing : theory, practice and relevance. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2009. HM1272 .C736 2010 The creolization reader : studies in mixed identities and cultures. London ; New York : Routledge, 2010. HN10.R7 O94 2011 The Oxford handbook of social relations in the Roman world. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. HN59.2 .D67 2010 Dorrien, Gary J. Economy, difference, empire : social ethics for social justice. New York : Columbia University Press, c2010. HN60 .D396 2005 De Graaf, John. Affluenza : the all-consuming epidemic. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA : Berrett-Koehler ; Berkeley, CA : Publishers Group West [distributor], c2005. HQ562.15.M49 B55 2009 Blum, Ann Shelby. Domestic economies : family, work, and welfare in Mexico City, 1884-1943. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2009. HQ792.C89 Z34 2008 Zahra, Tara. Kidnapped souls : national indifference and the battle for children in the Bohemian Lands, 1900-1948. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. HQ1236.5.L37 W665 2010 Women's activism in Latin America and the Caribbean : engendering social justice, democratizing citizenship. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press ; Tijuana, Mexico : El Colegio de la Frontera Norte A.C., c2010. HQ1439.N6 G84 2010 Guglielmo, Jennifer. Living the revolution : Italian women's resistance and radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2010. HQ1547 .M67 2009 Mooney, Jadwiga E. Pieper. The politics of motherhood : maternity and women's rights in twentieth-century Chile. Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2009. HT857 .T67 2008 To plead our own cause : personal stories by today's slaves. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. HT1126 .K54 2010 Klein, Herbert S. Slavery in Brazil. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. HV28.J43 M34 2009 Mahood, Linda. Feminism and voluntary action : Eglantyne Jebb and Save the Children, 1876-1928. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. HV91 .C4513 2010 Chappell, Marisa. The war on welfare : family, poverty, and politics in modern America. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2010. HV639 .A2513 2004 A l'ombre des guerres justes. English. In the shadow of 'just wars' : violence, politics, and humanitarian action. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, c2004. HV5438 .M373 2009 Martin, A. Lynn. Alcohol, violence, and disorder in traditional Europe. Kirksville, Mo. : Truman State University Press, c2009. HV6322.7 .O97 2010 The Oxford handbook of genocide studies. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. HV8073.3 .S57 2010 Skerker, Michael. An ethics of interrogation. Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, c2010. HV8144.F43 R67 2009 Rosswurm, Steven. The FBI and the Catholic Church, 1935-1962. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, c2009. HV9650.3 .Q56 2011 Quinlan, Christina. Inside : Ireland's women's prisons, past and present. Dublin ; Portland, OR : Irish Academic Press, c2011. JC131 .S84 2010 Steinmo, Sven. The evolution of modern states : Sweden, Japan, and the United States. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. JC491 .A345 2010 The age of revolutions in global context, c. 1760-1840. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. JF1083 .S34 2008 Schaffer, Frederic Charles. The hidden costs of clean election reform. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. JK2261 .A28 2010 Abramowitz, Alan. The disappearing center : engaged citizens, polarization, and American democracy. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2010. JN7011 .C58 2007 Citizenship in Nordic welfare states : dynamics of choice, duties and participation in a changing Europe. London ; New York : Routledge, 2007. JV6351 .B75 2009 Bringing outsiders in : transatlantic perspectives on immigrant political incorporation. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2009. JV6453 .E88 2009 Ettinger, Patrick W. Imaginary lines : border enforcement and the origins of undocumented immigration, 1882-1930. 1st ed. Austin : University of Texas Press, 2009. JZ1592 .G47 2009 German foreign and security policy. New York : Nova Science, c2009. JZ5540.2.B35 G85 2010 Gwinn, Kristen E. Emily Greene Balch : the long road to internationalism. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2010. KF3369 .D36 2006 Dannin, Ellen J. Taking back the workers' law : how to fight the assault on labor rights. Ithaca, N.Y. : ILR Press/Cornell University Press, 2006. KZ6374 .F73 2002 Franck, Thomas M. Recourse to force : state action against threats and armed attacks. Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2002. LB1025.3 .S384 2011 Schmoker, Michael J. Focus : elevating the essentials to radically improve student learning. Alexandria, Va. : ASCD, c2011. LC214.23.L56 A53 2010 Anderson, Karen. Little Rock : race and resistance at Central High School. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2010. ML410.P865 A3 2006 Prokofiev, Sergey. Sergey Prokofiev diaries, 1907-1914 : prodigious youth. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2006. ML410.S93 C36 2010 The Cambridge companion to Richard Strauss. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. N7725.R58 C87 2010 Cusack, Tricia. Riverscapes and national identities. 1st ed. Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, c2010. NX456 .S538 2009 Situation. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2009. PA3052 .D83 2010 DuBois, Page. Out of Athens : the new ancient Greeks. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2010. PA6276 .C66 2007 A companion to Catullus. Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2007. PA6411 .C592 2010 A companion to Horace. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom ; Malden, MA, USA : Blackwell, 2010. PA6825 .C64 2010 A companion to Vergil's Aeneid and its tradition. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom ; Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, c2010. PG3458.Z8 L64 2010 Loehlin, James N. The Cambridge introduction to Chekhov. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. PH355.K5865 H8513 2006 Konkka, Anita. A fool's paradise. 1st ed. Normal : Dalkey Archive Press, 2006. PN56.E65 E645 2010 Epic and history. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley- Blackwell, 2010. PN56.3.J4 F73 2011 Franklin, Ruth. A thousand darknesses : lies and truth in Holocaust fiction. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. PN1590.W64 B38 2011 Batra, Kanika. Feminist visions and queer futures in postcolonial drama : community, kinship, and citizenship. New York : Routledge, 2011. PN1993.5.A35 D5213 2010 Diawara, Manthia. African film : new forms of aesthetics and politics. English ed. Munich [Germany] ; New York : Prestel, c2010. PN1993.5.G3 C555 2011 Cinema and the swastika : the international expansion of Third Reich cinema. Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. PN1993.5.S7 B37 2002 Barroso, Miguel Angel. Cine espanol en cien peliculas. Madrid : Ediciones Jaguar, 2002. PN1993.5.S7 H59 1995 Historia del cine espanol. Madrid : Catedra, c1995. PN1993.5.U6 F34 2010 Falk, Andrew Justin. Upstaging the Cold War : American dissent and cultural diplomacy, 1940-1960. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, c2010. PN1995.9.H55 H35 2009 Hallas, Roger. Reframing bodies : AIDS, bearing witness, and the queer moving image. Durham : Duke University Press, 2009. PN1995.9.R63 M39 2006 Mazierska, Ewa. Crossing new Europe : postmodern travel and the European road movie. London ; New York : Wallflower Press, 2006. PN1998.3.B47 I57 2008 Ingmar Bergman revisited : performance, cinema and the arts. London ; New York : Wallflower Press, 2008. PN2080 .S47 1997 Shakespeare, William. Alternative Shakespeare auditions for women. London : A & C Black ; New York : Theatre Arts Books/Routledge, 1997. PN2091.S8 B564 2007 Blake, Jody. Design USA exhibit. Syracuse, NY : United States Institute for Theatre Technology, c2007. PN2091.S8 R69 2009 Roznowski, Rob. Collaboration in theatre : a practical guide for designers and directors. 1st ed. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. PN2287.J33 T46 2008 Thomas, Richard K. USITT presents the designs of Abe Jacob. Syracuse, NY : United States Institute for Theatre Technology in cooperation with Broadway Press, c2008. PN2570 .C663 2010 Contemporary European theatre directors. London ; New York : Routledge, 2010. PN3448.D4 D48 2009 Detective fiction in a postcolonial and transnational world. Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2009. PN4151 .W47 2008 Wheeler, Lesley. Voicing American poetry : sound and performance from the 1920s to the present. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. PQ265 .D63 2010 Dobie, Madeleine. Trading places : colonization and slavery in eighteenth- century French culture. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2010. PQ2623.E6 F213 2011 Leroux, Gaston. The phantom of the Opera : the original novel. Lexington, KY : SoHo Books, 2011. PQ2665.C5 A8 1997 Echenoz, Jean. Un an. Paris : Les Editions de Minuit, c1997. PQ4053.B64 B63 2010 The body in early modern Italy. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. PQ6097.E94 B46 2010 Bellver, C. G. Bodies in motion : Spanish vanguard poetry, mass culture, and gender dynamics. Lewisburg, [Pa.] : Bucknell University Press, c2010. PQ7436.P7 A7 1996 Aqui cuentan las mujeres : muestra y estudio de cinco narradoras puertorriquenas. 2nd. ed. Rio Piedras, P.R. : Ediciones Huracan, 1996. PQ7440.F45 A63 2001 Ferre, Rosario. A la sombra de tu nombre. 1. ed. en Alfaguara. Col. del Valle, Mexico, D.F. : Alfaguara, 2001. PQ7440.L75 V57 2002 Lugo Filippi, Carmen. Virgenes y martires : (cuentos). 6a ed. San Juan, PR : Editorial Cultural, c2002. PR603 .I58 2010 Intimate exposure : essays on the public-private divide in British poetry since 1950. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co., c2010. PR1125 .P53 2010 The plague in print : essential Elizabethan sources, 1558-1603. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Duquesne University Press, c2010. PR1195.S5 B87 2010 Burt, Stephen. The art of the sonnet. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. PR2771 .D86 2002 Shakespeare, William. More alternative Shakespeare auditions for men. New York : Routledge, 2002. PR4167.J5 P97 2010 Pyrhonen, Heta. Bluebeard gothic : Jane Eyre and its progeny. Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, c2010. PR6052.E5 C66 1998 Bennett, Alan. The complete Talking heads. London : BBC Books, 1998. PR6073.A418 A79 2000 Wall, William. Alice falling. 1st American ed. New York : W.W. Norton, 2000. PR6102.A7838 C63 2009 Bartlett, Mike. Cock. London : Methuen Drama, 2009. PR9369.3.C58 Z74 2010 J.M. Coetzee's austerities. 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Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c2010. PS3555.P5 L68 2008 Ephron, Nora. Love, loss and what I wore. New York : Dramatists Play Service, Inc., c2008. PS3558.A8378 L54 2010 Hayes, Terrance. Lighthead. New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 2010. PS3558.O8668 J45 2009 Housewright, David. Jelly's gold. 1st ed. New York : Minotaur Books, 2009. PS3568.A6278 E87 2008 Rapp, Adam. Essential self-defense. NY NY : Broadway Play Pub., c2008. PS3569.A235 N43 2002 Sacks, Peter M. Necessity. 1st ed. New York : W.W. Norton & Co., c2002. PS3569.T692245 H34 2010 Strauss, Darin. Half a life. San Francisco, Calif. : McSweeney's, c2010. PS3607.R323 E74 2010 Graber, Kathleen. The eternal city : poems. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2010. PS3608.O832 K58 2007 Hosseini, Khaled. The kite runner. Illustrated ed. New York : Riverhead Books, 2007. PS3625.O285 L37 2010 Yockey, Steve. Large animal games. Samuel French acting ed. New York : Samuel French, c2010. PT7083 .S43 2011 Scandinavian crime fiction. Cardiff : University of Wales Press, c2011. PT8951.16.O73 D4813 2010 Fosse, Jon. Aliss at the fire. 1st ed. Champaign : Dalkey Archive Press, 2010. PT8951.16.O73 M4513 2006 Fosse, Jon. Melancholy. 1st ed. Rochester [N.Y.] : Dalkey Archive Press, 2006. QE1 .G34S no.473 Geology and geoarchaeology of the Black Sea Region : beyond the flood hypothesis. Boulder, Colo. : Geological Society of America, 2011. QH85 .T44 2010 The theory of island biogeography revisited. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2010. QL463 .R34 2010 Raffles, Hugh. Insectopedia. 1st ed. New York : Pantheon Books, c2010. QL751 .A64995 2010 Animal behaviour : evolution and mechanisms. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2010. QL757 .B562 2010 The biogeography of host-parasite interactions. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. QP606.D46 A45 2006 Altshuler, Michael L. PCR troubleshooting : the essential guide. Norfolk, UK : Caister Academic Press, c2006. RC78.7.N83 J69 2008 Joyce, Kelly A. Magnetic appeal : MRI and the myth of transparency. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. SB482.A4 T94 2010 Tweed, William C. Uncertain path : a search for the future of national parks. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2010. TD420 .S63 2008 Smol, J. P. Pollution of lakes and rivers : a paleoenvironmental perspective. 2nd ed. Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2008. TR820.5 .L55 2010 Linfield, Susie. The cruel radiance : photography and political violence. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2010. U21.2 .D587 2008 Downes, Alexander B. Targeting civilians in war. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2008. Z4 .L96 2010 Lyons, Martyn. A history of reading and writing : in the western world. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Z471 .S83 2009 Striphas, Theodore G. The late age of print : everyday book culture from consumerism to control. New York : Columbia University Press, c2009. ________________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE D842 .C295 2010 The Cambridge history of the Cold War. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. Q123 .C4819 2007 Chambers dictionary of science and technology. New rev. and updated ed. Edinburgh : Chambers, 2007. QH353 .E53 2011 Encyclopedia of biological invasions. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2011. RB38.2 .P34 2010 Pagana, Kathleen Deska. Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests. 4th ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby/Elsevier, c2010. RC454 .M3 2009 Maxmen, Jerrold S. Essential psychopathology and its treatment. 3rd ed. New York : W.W. Norton & Co., c2009. RC584 .A44 2009 Middleton's allergy : principles & practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA : Mosby/Elsevier, c2009. RC606.63 .H365 2008 Handbook of HIV medicine. 2nd ed. Cape Town ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008. RJ245 .M675 2008 Mosby's pediatric nursing reference. 6th ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby/ Elsevier, c2008. RM315 .P66 2009 Preston, John. Consumer's guide to psychiatric drugs : straight talk for patients and their families. 1st Pocket Book pbk. ed., new, updated. New York : Pocket Books, 2009. RM666.H33 N385 2010 Natural Standard herb & supplement guide : an evidence-based reference. 1st ed. Maryland Heights, Mo. : Elsevier/Mosby, c2010. RT41 .P68 2009 Potter, Patricia Ann. Fundamentals of nursing. 7th ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby Elsevier, c2009. RT48 .W43 2010 Weber, Janet. Health assessment in nursing. 4th ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2010. RT51 .M365 2011 Swearingen's manual of medical-surgical nursing : a care planning resource. 7th ed. Maryland Heights, MO : Mosby, c2011. RT86.54 .G45 2008 D'Avanzo, Carolyn Erickson. Pocket guide to cultural health assessment. 4th ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby, c2008. ________________________________________________________________________________ AUDIO VISUAL DS793.Y3 U72 2008 Up the Yangtze [videorecording]. Anamorphic widescreen format (16:9). [New York, N.Y.] : Zeitgeist Films, 2008. GV1794.5 .N62 2006 No maps on my taps [videorecording] the art of jazz tap dancing. Fullscreen. Los Angeles, CA : Direct Cinema Limited, p2006. HF1456.5.C6 P46 2009 The people's republic of capitalism [videorecording]. Silver Spring, MD : Athena : Distributed by Acorn Media Group, c2009. HQ784.P5 P54 2008 Please vote for me [videorecording]. [New York, NY] : First Run Features, [2008] M51.B2 Y62 2004 Yo-Yo Ma [videorecording] inspired by Bach. [New York, NY] : Sony Classical : Distributed by Sony BMG Music, [2004] ML410.B1 B34 2007 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Bach cantatas [videorecording]. West Long Branch, NJ : Kultur, 2007. ML417.R38 R53 1998 Richter [videorecording] l'insoumis. Germany : Warner Music Vision : NVC Arts, 1998. ML422.B73 K37 2009 Karl Bohm in rehearsal and performance [videorecording]. [London] : Medici Arts : Distributed by EuroArts Music International, c2009. ML458 .G74 2005 Great conductors of the Third Reich [videorecording] art in the service of evil. New York : Bel Canto Society, 2005. N6537.B37 A4 2004 The body as matrix [videorecording] Matthew Barney's Cremaster cycle. Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2004. PN1995.9 .F4 I522 2002 In the mood for love [videorecording]. [United States] : Criterion Collection, c2002. PN1995.9.C66 I53 2004 Wu jian dao (Motion picture). Infernal affairs [videorecording]. Widescreen format (2.35:1). [New York, N.Y.] : Miramax Home Entertainment ; Burbank, Calif. : Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [2004] PN1995.9.F4 C564 2010 Red cliff (Motion picture). English & Chinese. Red cliff [videorecording]. Widescreen. Los Angeles, Calif. : Magnolia Home Entertainment, c2010. PN1995.9.F4 D359 2007 Danzon (Motion picture). Danzon [videorecording]. [Mexico] : Macondo ; Chicago, IL : Distributed by Facets Video, [2007] PN1995.9.F4 E38 2002 Yin shi nan nu [videorecording]. Widescreen format (1.85:1). Santa Monica, CA : MGM Home Entertainment, [2002] PN1995.9.F4 F45 2009 Fei cheng wu rao [videorecording]. Widescreen. San Francisco : Tai Seng Entertainment, c2009. PN1995.9.F4 S563 2004 Shou ji [videorecording] = Cell phone. Anamorphic widescreen. [Hong Kong] : Media Asia ; Mega Star Video distribution, [2004?] PN1995.9.F4 S653 2003 Song jia huang chao [videorecording]. Hong Kong : Mei Ah Entertainment, [2003?] PN1997.2 .B454 2009 Being there [videorecording]. Deluxe ed. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [2009] PN1997.2 .F39 2007 Bawang bie ji [videorecording] = Farewell to my concubine. [Beijing Shi] : Zhong ying yin xiang chu ban she ; [Guangzhou Shi] : Guangzhou qiao jia ren wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si zong jing xiao, [2007?] PN1997.2 .T53 2007 Tian xia wu zei [videorecording] = A world without thieves. [Los Angeles, Calif.] : Tartan Video, [2007] PN2878.J83 A5 2005 Yuen Ling-yuk. Center stage [videorecording =] Yuen Ling-yuk. Widescreen. Hong Kong : Fortune Star, c2005. PR9369.3.G6 Z72 2006 Nadine Gordimer [videorecording] on being a liberal White South African. Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2006. ________________________________________________________________________________ MUSIC/SPEECH M1508.O27 R62 1998 O'Brien, Richard. Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror show : vocal selections. London ; New York : Wise Publications : Exclusive distributors, Music Sales Ltd., c1998. ________________________________________________________________________________ MUSIC/SPEECH AUDIO VISUAL CD 199 Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich. The symphonies [sound recording]. Hamburg : Deutsche Grammophon, p1979. CD 2272 v. 100 Zimerman, Krystian. Krystian Zimerman [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 59 Kocsis, Zoltan. Zoltan Kocsis [sound recording]. [New York] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 60 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Stephen Kovacevich [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 61 Kovacevich, Stephen. Stephen Kovacevich. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 62 Larrocha, Alicia de. Alicia de Larrocha [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 63 Larrocha, Alicia de. Alicia de Larroccha. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips, p1999. CD 2272 v. 64 Lhevinne, Josef. Josef & Rosina Lhevinne [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 65 Lipatti, Dinu. Dinu Lipatti [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 67 Magaloff, Nikita. Nikita Magaloff [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 68 Michelangeli, Arturo Benedetti. Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 69 Michelangeli, Arturo Benedetti. Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 70 Moiseiwitsch, Benno. Benno Moiseiwitsch [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 71 Moravec, Ivan. Ivan Moravec [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips, p1998. CD 2272 v. 72 Ogdon, John. John Ogdon. I [sound recording]. [New York] : Philips, p1998. CD 2272 v. 73 Ogdon, John. John Ogdon. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 74 Paderewski, Ignace Jan. Ignacy Paderewski [sound recording]. [New York] : Philips, p1998. CD 2272 v. 75 Perahia, Murray. Murray Perahia [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 76 Pires, Maria Joao. Maria Joao Pires [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips, p1999. CD 2272 v. 77 Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich. Mikhail Pletnev [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 78 Pollini, Maurizio. Maurizio Pollini [sound recording]. [New York] : Philips, p1998. CD 2272 v. 79 Chopin, Frederic. Maurizio Pollini. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 80 Previn, Andre. Andre Previn [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 81 Rachmaninoff, Sergei. Sergei Rachmaninoff [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 82 Richter, Sviatoslav. Sviatoslav Richter [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 83 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Sviatoslav Richter. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 84 Richter, Sviatoslav. Sviatoslav Richter. III [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 85 Chopin, Frederic. Artur Rubinstein [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 86 Rubinstein, Artur. Artur Rubinstein. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 87 Rubinstein, Artur. Artur Rubinstein. III [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 88 Schiff, Andras. Andras Schiff [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 89 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Artur Schnabel [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 90 Serkin, Rudolf. Rudolf Serkin [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 91 Sofronitskii, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Vladimir Sofronitsky [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 92 Solomon. Solomon [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips, p1999. CD 2272 v. 93 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Rosalyn Tureck. I [sound recording]. Amsterdam : Philips, 1998. CD 2272 v. 94 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Rosalyn Tureck. II [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 95 Uchida, Mitsuko. Mitsuko Uchida [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 96 Watts, Andre. Andre Watts [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1999. CD 2272 v. 97 Weissenberg, Alexis. Alexis Weissenberg [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips, p1998. CD 2272 v. 98 Wild, Earl. Earl Wild [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips Classics, p1998. CD 2272 v. 99 IUdina, Mariia. Maria Yudina [sound recording]. [Netherlands] : Philips, p1998. CD 2275 Monk, Thelonious. The unique Thelonious Monk [sound recording]. Berkeley, CA : Riverside, [1987] ________________________________________________________________________________ INTERNET RESOURCES Encyclopdia Britannica online academic edition [electronic resource]. Chicago, IL : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1994- New Oxford American dictionary [electronic resource]. 3rd ed. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2010. Oxford dictionary of English [electronic resource]. 3rd ed. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, c2010. Beal, Peter. A dictionary of English manuscript terminology, 1450 to 2000 [electronic resource]. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. Fellmeth, Aaron Xavier. Guide to Latin in international law [electronic resource]. New York : Oxford University Press, c2009. MasterFILE Premier (Online : EBSCO Publishing). MasterFILE Premier [electronic resource]. Ipswich, MA : EBSCO Pub. Points of view reference center [electronic resource]. Ipswich, MA : EbscoHost, 2009- Regional business news [electronic resource]. [Ipswich, MA] : EBSCO Pub. Professional development collection [electronic resource]. Ipswich, MA : EBSCO Pub. Science reference center [electronic resource]. Ipswich, MA : EBSCO. Health source (Peabody, Mass. : Nursing/academic ed. : Online). Health source [electronic resource] nursing academic edition. Nursing/academic ed. Peabody, Mass. : EBSCO Pub. Alt-HealthWatch (Online). Alt-HealthWatch [electronic resource]. Stamford, CT : Softline Information, Inc. Health source (Online). Health source [electronic resource] consumer edition. Consumer ed. Peabody, Mass. : EBSCO Pub. Consumer Health Complete [electronic resource] powered by EBSCOhost. [Ipswich, Mass.] : EBSCO Publishing, 2006- ________________________________________________________________________________ BROWSING CT275.H62575 A3 2010 Hitchens, Christopher. Hitch-22 : a memoir. 1st ed. New York : Twelve, 2010. HM851 .T86 2011 Turkle, Sherry. Alone together : why we expect more from technology and less from each other. New York : Basic Books, c2011. HV1285.9 .G74 2010 Grennan, Conor. Little princes : one man's promise to bring home the lost children of Nepal. 1st ed. New York : William Morrow & Co., c2010. RC351 .A45 2011 Ramachandran, V. S. The tell-tale brain : a neuroscientist's quest for what makes us human. 1st ed. New York : W. W. Norton, c2011. ________________________________________________________________________________ Summary of entries by Holding Library HLC Name # Entries MNGA MAIN 200 MNGC REFERENCE 14 MNGM AUDIO VISUAL 23 MNGN MUSIC/SPEECH 1 MNGO MUSIC/SPEECH AUDIO VISUAL 43 MNG1 INTERNET RESOURCES 14 MNG4 BROWSING 4 Total entries for this Institution 299