Talk:First Year Student Orientation


In past years the Technology Departments have offered an orientation session for FY Students during the move in weekend. We will be doing this again, but would like to jazz our offerings up a bit.

We will have all the students coming in small groups over a couple hour periods. In past years we split them up into very small groups and moved them out into the different labs around campus, and ran sessions exposing them to WebMail, attachments the website, the Helpline and a few other topics.

Ideas for This Year

  • More fun. More information on personal security and social networking issues. More interaction.
  • We should talk about sharing files on the network in addition to just the general mapping home directory. I honestly didn't know you could do that until the end of my freshman year because no one ever showed me how to do it.
  • Flash-based interactive informative game. I don't how to do something like this, but it would be really fun and interactive. -Nick
  • We tell students to PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE THEY SAVE so that they don't click on a word document in a web browser, change it and then lose the changes when they hit "save" instead of "save as" -Ethan

Other School's Videos

take a look at The Educause competition winners for some ideas.

or what Tufts University did