Software Center

Windows Software Center

To find Software Center:

  1. Tap the Windows Key or click the Windows button in the lower left hand corner, type in Software Center, and click on the Software Center application that pops up.

The Windows Software Center gives the employee the ability to install verified Gustavus-owned software on their machine without needing an appointment with GTS. The instructions below will walk through the process of using the Software Center.


  1. First make sure there are no Windows updates or reboots pending on your machine. If your machine requires a reboot or if you are not sure, reboot your computer before proceeding. Note: The software deployment will fail if your machine requires a reboot.
  2. Close all open applications to avoid any conflicts with the software deployment.
  3. In the Software Center, select Applications. This will list all the available software that can be deployed to your machine.
  4. Click the software you wish to deploy and click Install.
  5. Now wait for the software install to complete. This process may take a while as it downloads and installs the software. You may check the Installation Status or Installed Software tabs in the Software Center about the status of the installation.

MacOS Software Center


To find Software Center:

  1. Click the Gustavus icon in your dock, or using Spotlight, type Software Center.

The MacOS Software Center gives the employee the ability to install verified Gustavus-owned software on their machine without needing an appointment with GTS. The instructions below will walk through the process of using the Software Center.


  1. Search or browse Software Center for the application/printer you would like to install, and click install.
  2. To run any updates on the programs installed through Software Center, please click Notifications, and click update to install the updates.

Also See
