Safe colleges

Safe Colleges is a site of online courses that Gustavus has access to.

Safe Colleges for Employees

  • This is available to all Gustavus Employees and will house all the mandatory and optional training, like Title IX, Security Awareness, etc. Safe College
  • To access Safe Colleges for Employees, navigate to and login using your Gustavus Credentials if prompted.

Safe Colleges for Students

  • This is available for all Gustavus Students and will house all the mandatory and option training like Substance Abuse, Active Shooter, etc.
  • To access Safe Colleges for students, navigate to and login using your Gustavus Credentials if prompted.

Safe College Admin

  • There are several admins for both Safe Colleges for Employees and Safe Colleges for Students. Admins can assign training, run reports, and create custom courses. If you have questions or need higher access to Safe Colleges, please contact the GTS Helpline.