Helpline resources

Helpline resources are useful links and information for the Technology Helpline.

Summer Helpline resources

If you are looking for info that was here over the summer, please see Summer Helpline resources

GTS news

2019 Commencement Time Lapse Video

Around 6 years ago by Dan Oachs from Core Services

Campus Internet Connection Bandwidth Increase

Around 6 years ago by Dan Oachs from Core Services

Technology Helpline Hours during Thanksgiving Week

Around 6 years ago by Nicholas Sonsteby from User Services

Duo two-factor and GusMail enrollment

Around 6 years ago by Nicholas Sonsteby from User Services

Macintosh Software (Mojave)

Around 6 years ago by Nicholas Sonsteby from User Services

Concert Accessibility Enhancements

Around 8 years ago by Billy Visto from Web Services

Improved Search Suggestions

Around 8 years ago by Jerry Nowell from Web Services