Google Home

The Google Home is a wireless speaker and voice controlled computer manufactured by

Gustavus Network Registration

Starting February 2nd, 2022 - personal devices are no longer required to register devices on the Gustavus network.

Finding MAC Address

1. Open the Google Home app on your mobile device (i.e. Android/iOS phone/tablet)

2. Connect your Google Home to same wifi network as your mobile device. If you are oncampus, and the Google Home cannot join the Gustavus network, please try using your phone's hotspot as a temporary wifi network. If you do not have a personal hotspot as an option on your phone, please bring your Google Home and phone to the Technology Helpline for assistance.

3. When your device is selected, press the 3 vertical dots in the upper right hand corner while the Google Home searches for the network.

4. Depending on Android/iOS, you may need to click on the following: Select Information/Show MAC address/Device Settings see the MAC address. The MAC address should look something like this: (01:23:45:67:89:ab)

Configuration and Maintenance

  • Be selective about the accounts you connect to your smart speaker. A new account that is specifically created for use with your device may be the safest option.
  • Check your device’s settings to enable any features that enhance your privacy.
  • Monitor the recordings that your device is making and delete them routinely.
  • If your device is capturing sensitive information, change the “wake” word or move it to a new location.
  • Get in the habit of muting your smart speaker during meetings or phone calls.
  • Turn off the voice-enabled purchasing options, or set a password for any such orders.
  • Monitor your purchase emails and other notifications.
  • Make sure your account passwords are strong and unique to your linked account.
  • Don’t use your smart speaker to remember sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers.
  • When possible, configure your device to work with your voice only.