Google Drive Security Update

Google Security Update (July 2021)

Beginning September 13, 2021, Google will release a security update that will change the file-sharing links for files contained in individual and shared Google Drives for links that were created before November 2017. This change only applies to links which give access to non-native files in individual and shared Google Drives. Links for native Google files (e.g., Sheets/Docs/Slides, etc.) will NOT be impacted.

In preparation for this security update, starting July 26, 2021, Google began notifying users who own or manage impacted files via email. This notification contains a link to a list of the impacted files for that user to review.

If you receive the notification from Google, you should carefully review the files and determine if you need to update any documents, web sites, or other items with the new, more-secure sharing link.

If you do not receive an email notification from Google between July 26 and September 13, no action is required. Google has not provided Gustavus with the list of impacted users.


What files are affected?

Only non-native Google files (e.g. Microsoft Word, PDFs, Movie files, images, audio files, etc.) shared prior to 2017 will be affected by this security update. Google files (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms) will NOT be impacted. The email sent by Google will include a link to view a list of impacted files you own or manage in Google Drive (My Drive/Shared Drive).

Non-native Google documents are documents that you have uploaded to your Google Drive. Examples include Microsoft word (.docx), Microsoft Excel (.xlsx), Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx), Adobe PDF (.pdf), Images (bmp, jpg, tif, png, etc), Movie Files (mov, mp4, etc), and other non-Google files.

See see your affected files, please navigate to

What steps do I need to take?

You will need to share a new updated link (URLs) for any of your files that still need to be accessible with a link, on websites or posted elsewhere. You can then distribute the new link and/or update reference to the link on any publicly accessible website.

How do I update my URL link?

When will the change be applied?

Starting July 26, Google will send an email to users. If you do not get the email, none of your content will be impacted. There are plenty of people who joined the university after November 2017 and, thus, have no content in Google Drive prior to November 2017. No news is good news - it's okay to not receive the email.

Google will apply the changes to the folders/files in your list starting September 13, 2021 and will complete the updates by September 30, 2021. Your content may be updated at any time during this timeframe. You will not receive any notice that the change occurred nor will you notice the new security update. But please note that the links will be changed.