Fusion for Technology Helpline Employees

Kayako Fusion is a web-based ticket tracking solution the Technology Helpline and various other departments on campus use for tracking requests and problems.

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Access Options

Both clients and Technology Helpline employees can access and interface with Fusion. For client access, please see Kayako_Fusion.

Getting Started

Logging In

Helpline employees can access Fusion or the database (formerly known as SupportSuite) with their email username and password at:


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Kayako Fusion uses contextual tabs for moving around in the database. Clicking on the top row (Home, Tickets, Live Support...)- changes what links you have on the bottom of the top banner.


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The Dashboard is the landing page for Fusion users, or available by clicking the Home Tab. You can find My Tickets (the tickets that are referred to you), your MyPoints total and News. Along the right side you will find Department, Status, Type and Priority Totals. You can also find total ticket numbers for other Helpline employees. Most heading are links that will take you to the Staff Control Panel.

My Preferences

Technology Helpline employees can adjust and change the information in their My Preferences (Home Tab) section. You can upload a picture or change your signature file.

Ticket Interaction

The Kayako Fusion database is issue dependent. Each issue is it's own ticket. Every call/walk up/contact goes in the database. To view tickets click on any of the ticket type headings on the Dashboard page.

Creating Tickets

On the Ticket tab, select New Ticket. Follow the prompts and supply as much information as you can regarding the problem, issue or request. Please remember the following:

  • Subject will be used as the subject in any email communication with the client. Make sure it is logical and clear and spelled correctly.
  • User can be a person's name, their campus extension or full name. The system will auto-populate from the campus directory. If you can't find the person John and Jane Doe are available.
  • Reply Contents is the area to put all the information.

Click the Create link at the top.

Updating and Editing Tickets

Any action taken on an issue should be recorded in the Ticket. You can add Notes or Replies to any ticket. Replies send email to the client, and are view-able by the client in the Support Center. Notes are for our staff - and not view-able by the client.


When a person leaves a voicemail message for the Technology Helpline, the message is recorded and a ticket is automatically created in Fusion. The recording is attached to the ticket.

The Subject for Voicemail generated tickets is Helpline Overflow: New voicemail from +1... and the Full Name is listed as voice-noreply@google.com.

Procedure for voicemail generated tickets
  • Read the transcript automatically created by Google Voice and fix any transcription errors.
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    • The transcript will be in the ticket created by the voicemail system.
  • In the past, it was protocol to download the sound file, listen to it, and transcribe it, but this is no longer necessary with the added Google Voice transcription feature.
    • If the transcription is unintelligible, manual transcription may be necessary. This can be done by downloading the sound file, opening it in VLC Media Player, and typing what it says into a note in the ticket.
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  • Using the Edit tab, change the Subject, Full Name and Email to correctly reflect the caller information. Update the information.
  • Reply, call or note action and update the ticket.