Cold Call


A Cold Call is an an unsolicited call from someone trying to sell a product. Meaning we didn’t ask them to call us - they are just calling to get contact information or to talk to someone.


They may call asking for any number of people, either by name or title. They may also ask who is doing to the purchasing of a certain type of equipment. They may also ask to speak with people who no longer work here.


There is directory information on all employees at Gustavus that is considered public information. You can legally give callers names, email addresses and campus phone numbers for employees. However, we would suggest one of the following responses -

  • I am sorry, but <Bruce Aarsvold, or other name> is not in the office at this time. I would be happy to pass your contact information along to him/her when he/she returns. Can I have your name and phone number please?
  • I am sorry, but I don’t have that information. Can I take you name and contact information, and I will pass it along to the appropriate person.


Put a ticket in the database with the information and refer the ticket to the person the caller was trying to reach - or ask the Dutyperson who should have it.