

Audacity is an open source voice-recording and sound-editing program.

How to record an MP3

Audacity is stored in the Applications Folder, double-click to open. To record, simply hit the record button (red circle) on Audacity. You can stop and play back what have already recorded at any time. If you wish to re-record a section, place the bar over the start point and begin to record again.

When you are done with the recording hit stop (square button). Then you need to save your file as an MP3. To do this, go to File and select “export to MP3”.

The first time you export to MP3 the program will tell you it needs your LameLib file. Direct it to the stored the LameLib file, which is in the Audacity folder under Applications and it should work without question from then on.

Once you have saved the file an information box will pop up. You may simple click "OK"; the file will save even if you enter no information. However if you or your professor would like, you may use this box to store information about your MP3 file. This info will be saved with the file and you will be able refer back to it at any time.

Using headsets

You will need headsets in order to record with Audacity or any other recording program. The headsets need to be plugged into a USB port before you begin recording. You may also need to change the program preferences to accept the headset as your recording and playback device. To do this go to the Audacity menu and choose Preferences under the Audio I/O tab change the input and output options from built-in audio to USB Headset.

Downloading and installing

To run Audacity from your personal computer you will need to download two components: the Audacity program and the LameLib file. Both can be found at Note: it is very important you remember where LameLib is saved on your computer!

External links