Title: Early
Bloomers: Can climate advance flowering
and Place: September 16, 2011 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive Center
Advances in spring blooming of
wildflowers have been associated with climate change; however, the majority of
long-term community-level studies have been conducted in humid-temperate
regions. Less is known about phenological changes in semi-arid plant communities or
grasslands. My colleague and I recorded
first-bloom date of common spring wildflowers in a semi-arid montane grasslands near Missoula, MT from 1995 through
2009, and analyzed these data along with mean monthly temperature and
precipitation. Advanced flowering
predominated; 75% of the 32 species displayed a negative slope indicating
earlier flowering, and this trend was strong for nine species. Only one species showed a strong trend for
later flowering. Mean advance for all 32
species was 0.6 days/year (~6 days earlier over the study period). The mean advance for the nine species
displaying a strong tendency to flower earlier was 1.6 days/year, which
resulted in a mean first bloom date which was three weeks earlier. Average March temperature and winter
precipitation best explained variation in flowering. Plants strongly advanced when mean March
temperature increased and snowpack decreased.
Our results suggest that flowering phenology
may be changing faster in the semi-arid west than in other systems and
precipitation plays an important role.
It remains unknown what effect early flowering phenologies
will have on western grassland communities; flowering too early may result in
freeze damage and insect pollinators may arrive at different times, both of
which can decrease the fitness of wildflower populations.
How I Spent my Summer Vacation:
Travel to Dakar, Senegal, for Scholarly Research
and Place: October 14, 2011 at
4:30 pm in the Interpretive Center
the auspices of CIEE, I traveled to West Africa this summer to take a seminar
on contemporary literature and the arts in Senegal. The seminar was part of the
research I am doing for my next scholarly project, a study of the links between
colonialism and genocide. For the Shoptalk, I'll share with the audience a
preview of this project, some photos of amazing Senegal, and talk a bit about
the advantages of such faculty development summer programs.
"I do not
want to hear multiple perspectives!" Theoretical and empirical
perspectives on our students' view of knowledge
Time and Place: October 28, 2011 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive
teacher education programs have traditionally focused on behaviors and
instructional strategies, there has been a call for theoretically-grounded
research that examines the latent foundation of these teaching components. This
shift is grounded in empirical findings that suggest instructional practices
are significantly associated with personal beliefs. Views about the nature of
knowledge, for example, may affect how teachers treat course content and
pedagogy. Collectively, these views relate to personal epistemology, a field of
study that has enjoyed a long history. Recently, empirical research has begun
to draw from this field and examine how personal epistemological beliefs affect
pre-service teachers’ development and experiences in the classroom.
Shop Talk will present and discuss results from a study I conducted with a
senior Education student over the 2010-2011 academic year.
Participants included a total of 93 Gustavus students
from each developmental group (first year, sophomore, junior, and senior).
Results indicate significant developmental trajectories, a certain robustness
of personal epistemological beliefs, and a significant relationship between
these beliefs and views related to instructional practices. Discussion will
evolve around the issue of students’ personal epistemological beliefs, their
impact in the classroom, and why some students may “not want to hear multiple
Absent Mothers, Absent Fathers:
Greek Myth and Maxine Hong Kingston's Woman Warrior
Time and Place: November 11, 2011 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive
The Woman Warrior is Maxine Hong Kingston’s work of memoir fiction in which
her first generation Chinese-American narrator adapts Chinese myth in an effort
to access the thought-world of her mother and the women of her mother’s
generation. I taught this novel in Classics 101: “Myth and Meaning,” with the
goal of using it to illuminate the issues involved in feminist adaptation of patriarchal
myth tradition and also to challenge students to construct a dialogue between
the novel’s reinterpretation of a Chinese myth tradition and the course’s
representation of Greek and Roman myth. This dialogic exercise has been
particularly valuable for me, at the level of research, insofar as the novel
has enabled me to notice a pattern in the representation of fathers and mothers
in Greek myth. Typically, a Greek hero or heroine responds to the distress of a
father in one of three ways: if he is old or sick, he is given respect or care;
if missing, he is sought out; if killed, avenged. While either a son or
daughter may win distinction by rendering such assistance, normally only a
father benefits. The exceptions prove this rule. The one scenario in which the beneficiaries
in this pattern are mothers is when the father is immortal and therefore not in
need of his progeny’s assistance. In this case benefit
defaults to the remaining mortal parent, the mother.
"Submissive" and "Docile" Okinawans
and their Resistance to the US Occupation
Time and Place: December 2, 2011 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive
In the twenty-seven years of the US military occupation of Okinawa, Orientalism (a Western idealogy
of "Other" that constructed an imaginary view of the Orient as
backwards, primitive, savage, feminine, mysterious, etc.) was a salient
dimension of the how occupation officials viewed Okinawans. In this context, occupation officials treated
Okinawans, at best, in a patronizing and
paternalistic manner, not to mention believing the islanders were docile,
submissive, and lazy. Okinawans, however, rarely lived up to US stereotypes as
their resistance to the occupation was as pervasive as American Orientalism. This
paper examines two movies, Daniel Mann’s, Teahouse of the August Moon (1956)
and Amon Miyamoto’s Beat (1998). Both movies represent an outsider’s
perspective of occupied Okinawa as Daniel Mann, an American, and Amon Miyamoto, a mainland Japanese, offer a sympathetic
view of Okinawa as they illustrate the occupation’s corrosive effects as well
as Okinawan struggle against the occupation. In both films, race, gender, and class are
dominant in the interactions the American interlopers and the Okinawans. While
both films attempt to provide agency for Okinawans,
at the same time, both productions suffer from an orientation that ironically
reifies what both movies are attempting to combat, Orientalistic
constructs of Okinawa.
Title: Armies to Warlords: Recent Right-Wing
Violence in Latin America
and Place: February 17, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive Center
This talk analyzes two recent, prominent cases
of organized, right-wing violence in Latin America. It compares the Colombian paramilitaries at
their peak (1997-2002) and the Guatemalan counterinsurgency squads in the 1980s
and 1990s. The two cases share
similarities, including justifications for violence and deployment of public
terror. The Colombian paramilitaries,
however, had a national, organized profile, integration with criminal groups,
and a degree of autonomy from the state that Guatemalan groups did not attain.
Title: From Seville to Peru, Chile, and Back: an Unknown Travel Account by
Fray Pedro de Manzanares from Around 1595- 1602.
and Place: March 2, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive Center
This talk will focus my research
on an unknown and previously unpublished hand-written travel account by Pedro
de Manzanares, one of the first Franciscans in Chile.
This narrative, in essence, a reconnaissance report for commercial
opportunities, provides the perspective of a traveling church member to Chile
in the first years of its settlement with descriptions that systematically
account contemporary commercial relations and opportunities on the route
between Spain and South America. Manzanares’ letter
gives us a nuanced understanding of the workings of the Spanish colonial system
evidencing how the economical and spiritual relate to each other. His
perception and representation of the natives also points to the biases and
agendas of the individuals who traveled to the Americas. Manzanares’
account offers a valuable point of view of how the members of the colonial
system viewed the Americas and the Americans. This document is of importance to
the early history of Chile and more specifically, to the history of the
Franciscans in that country.
Impacts of a multi-disciplinary
approach to training undergraduates in analytical chemistry: Adventures in the
analysis of environmental contaminants and chemopreventive
compounds in foods
and Place: March 16, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive Center
Title: A
Fulbright Scholar in Ukraine: A Tale of Two Experiences
Time and Place: April 13, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the Interpretive
Shop Talk will be part travel memoir, part social-cultural commentary, part
primer on the Fulbright Scholar experience based on four months of living &
traveling in Ukraine.
Diaspora as "Agent of Influence"? American-Turks in Turkish-American
Time and Place: April 27, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the
Interpretive Center
February 2010 the Turkish government invited members of Turkish diaspora across Europe to a conference in Turkey to discuss
about their role as the “agents of Turkey’s influence.” While this official event
received mixed reactions from Turks living abroad, it was a signal of Turkish
government’s changing relations with its citizens abroad and its growing
involvement with Turkish diaspora. Turkish population
abroad is now more important symbolically and numerically than it was before,
yet its role in Turkish foreign policy is still an
understudied topic. By focusing on a case
study, Israeli blockade of Gaza and its seizure of Turkish flotilla in the
summer of 2010, this study addresses the changing relations between Turkey and
its citizens abroad and explores the mobilization of overseas Turkish population
around one of the most controversial foreign policy crises between Turkey and
Israel in the past years.
The Shop Talk coordinator (Paul Saulnier) would like to solicit abstracts
for the Shop Talk series. These 20-30 minute presentations allow Gustavus scholars to share their original research/art and
enthusiasm. A title, brief abstract (electronic format), and A/V
requirements should be sent to Paul (PSAUL@GUSTAVUS.EDU). If the
current Shop Talk schedule does not have any vacancies do not hesitate to
contact Paul to reserve a future date (a waiting list is maintained).