
Approved Concentration Courses: Psychology
Advisor Mark Krueger
  • PSY-100 General Psychology
  • PSY-230 Cognitive Psychology
  • PSY-232 Social Psychology
  • PSY-238 Brain & Behavior

And a statistics course in either Math, Political Science, or Psychology

A general survey of the basic facts and principles of behavior. The course is designed as an introduction to the field of psychology. It includes assigned readings, lectures, class demonstrations, and laboratory activities. This course or its equivalent is prerequisite to all other courses in the department unless indicated. SOSCI, Fall and Spring semesters.

The purpose of this course is to survey the major theories and empirical findings within the field of cognitive psychology. In doing so we will review research concerning a variety of higher mental functions, including attention, memory, language, and problem solving. Prerequisite: PSY-100. Fall semester.

Social psychology is the scientific study of the manner in which the behavior, thoughts, and feelings of individuals influence, and are influenced by, the behavior and characteristics of others. Topics which are examined in this course include attitudes, person perception, social cognition, liking and friendship, altruism, aggression, conformity, social exchange, and the behavior of individuals in groups. Prerequisite: PSY-100. Fall and Spring semesters.

238.BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR(1 course)
The course will introduce the student to the biological underpinnings of human behavior. After basic training in the fundamentals of brain anatomy and physiology, the role of the brain and basic biological processes in topics such as sensation and perception, food intake, reproductive behavior, learning, emotion, mechanisms of drug effects, and mental disorders will be examined. Methods used to study how the brain works will be introduced in laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: PSY-100. Fall and Spring semesters.