FAQ's Gustavus EngageFind answers to your questions about using Gustavus Engage

Gustavus Engage FAQ’s

How to Log On

  1. Go to gustavus.edu/communityengagement
  2. Click on the Engage button on the bottom of the CBSL page
  3. In the upper right corner click Login
  4. Use your Gustavus username and password to sign-in

How to Personalize Your Page

  1. Login using your Gustavus credentials
  2. Click on your name in the upper right corner
  3. Select "profile"
  4. One you are on your profile you can select to edit your profile on the right side of your page

How to View Your Classes

  1. Login using your Gustavus credentials
  2. Click on “Classes” tab
  3. Click on the current semester
  4. Find your class and request to join

How to Get Involved

  1. Login using your Gustavus credentials
  2. Click either Subgroups or Affiliates (near top of page)
  3. Use the Search Box to find and select the page you are looking for
  4. Once on the correct page, look under Events for any upcoming volunteer opportunities
  5. Click on the event you would like to sign up for
  6. Choose the time and date you wish to volunteer on
  7. Click the green Register button in the upper right corner
  8. You are now registered for that event - Gustavus Engage will send you an email reminding you of the event as the date gets closer

How to Record an Impact

  1. Login using your Gustavus credentials
  2. Click green Add Impact button (top right side of page)
  3. Search for the group you made an impact with and select it
  4. Fill in the date, number of hours you worked, and any reflections you had
  5. Click green Save Impact button (bottom of page) to record your impact
  6. To view all your impacts go to your Dashboard and click My Impacts (top of page)

Create a Login for Affiliates

  1. Go to gustavus.givepulse.com
  2. Click Login (upper right corner)
  3. Click Sign Up (located at the bottom of the white box)
  4. Fill in each field with the appropriate information, and check the term and conditions box

Create a Group

  1. Login
  2. Click on the Dashboard icon (upper right corner)
  3. Click on My Groups (top of the page), at the very bottom click Create New Group
  4. Fill out the 4 pages (Basic Info, Logo, Causes, Social) with whatever information you wish to share
  5. Click the blue Save Group button (bottom of the page) when you are ready to make your group public

Create an Event

  1. Login
  2. Go to your Dashboard (upper right corner)
  3. Click My Groups (top of page) and select your group
  4. Click the blue Manage button (top of page)
  5. Click Events (left side of page) and select Create Event
  6. Fill out each field, and click the blue Save and Continue Button when finished. There will be many pages to go through but some you will not have to worry about, the most important page is the first one (I suggest exploring each page, and if you have any questions about what it is asking for, please let me know).
  7. When you have filled out each page, click the Publish button

Invite Members to an Event

  1. Login
  2. Find the specific event you want to promote
  3. Scroll down the Event’s page until you see the Admin Panel (left side)
  4. Click Invite People (lower half of Admin Panel)
  5. You can either choose to send the event to individuals via their email or you can send it to Groups that are part of Gustavus Engage
  6. You may include your own message before clicking the blue Send Invitations button

How to Message Users in a Group

  1. Login
  2. Find the specific group you want to message
  3. Click the blue Manage button (top of page)
  4. Click Users (top of left panel)
  5. Click Message Members or Message Everyone
  6. Type the subject and body of your message and click the blue Send Message button

What is the Difference Between a Subgroup, Affiliate, and Classes?

  1. A Subgroup is a group that is run through Gustavus Adolphus College and includes groups like: athletics, Inter Greek Senate, Campus Activities, Student Organizations, Career Development, Chaplains/Church Relations, Community Engagement, Diversity Center, and Residential Life. Each subgroup can contain their own set of subgroups and they all can post their own service opportunities for students to volunteer with.
  2. An Affiliate is a group that is run by an off campus office. Affiliates can post their own service opportunities and their will be posted to the Gustavus Adolphus Page for students to register for.
  3. Classes are courses offered at Gustavus Adolphus College that can be sorted by year and archived after the academic year is over. These courses can have events with shifts for students to register for and allow them to record their impacts.