Personal StatementsGraduate & Professional School / Application Process

Like any good writing, personal statements will take time! These are important documents in your applications to graduate and professional schools. You will need to plan for time to write an effective statement.

Campus support for writing your personal statements is available from: The Writing Center, faculty, and Career Development.

Writing Center tutors can help you with stylistic and structural issues, but your professors would be a great source to check with regarding input about what the graduate schools/programs in your discipline are looking for. Visit the Writing Center's website to schedule an appointment and find out more about how they can help you.

The Career Library in Career Development also has several books on writing personal statements that can be checked out for up to two weeks.

The U of M and Gustavus have teamed up to offer a FREE Online Short Course: Personal Statements for a Health Profession:

The short course offers a comprehensive look at what makes a compelling personal statement. Even if you are not applying to a health profession program, the information is still applicable. The short course is FREE to Gustavus students, just use your current Gustavus email address. This course has a well of information (approx. 10 hours) on writing a personal statement. A workshop on writing an effective personal statement for students applying to a health profession program is also offered each spring,

Personal Statements

General Outline

Quick Links for Personal Statements

Updated 9/7/2020 JV