Frost Your Owns & NSSE survey participation (first-years and seniors only)March 20, 2019 at 4:307 p.m.

Time: March 20, 2019 at 4:307 p.m.
Location:Beck 303

If you are a first-year or senior student here at Gustavus, you have likely received an email invitation with a link, encouraging you to participate in the NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) this Spring. Your feedback gathered in this survey provides vital information for all areas of campus, from student life to residential life, to academic affairs, athletics, and even faculty development. We need your help, and to make it easier for you to participate, we've reserved Beck 303, a computer lab, and we'll have Frost Your Owns on hand for those who have already taken the survey online by that date and for those who show up to take it that evening. To make the event even more exciting, we will have a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card at 7 p.m., which will include all first-years and seniors who have participated in the survey by that time.