Faculty Development DaysAugust 27, 2020 at 12:304 p.m.

Time: August 27, 2020 at 12:304 p.m.

This year's Faculty Development Day(s) will be different in a few ways. Due to Covid-19 it will take place online. It will take place the week before the semester begins, on August 25-27 (see the attached schedule and descriptions of the individual sessions) because this will be a more hectic and difficult beginning of the semester than usual. Finally, we at the Kendall Center decided that, in light of the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests, we would focus FDD on issues affecting our students of color as it intersects with our mission at the college. Several of your colleagues have generously contributed their time and expertise to facilitate these sessions and we sincerely hope you attend.

The zoom link for the meetings is: https://hellogustavus.zoom.us/j/5079337596?pwd=dUNhdWhXR1NRTlU2bFdwc2tRZGdoUT09.