Syllabus and general information for MCS-287: Organization and Theory of Programming Languages (Spring 2006)


This course will help you learn how programming languages are designed, specified, and implemented. You will learn both about broad areas of commonality that underlie many superficially different langauges and about the critical distinctions between langauges that may at first glance seem similar. The goal is not to make you a master of many historical or current languages, but rather to give you ways to think about languages, which will serve you well as you encounter future languages.

Office hours

I will be available in my office (OHS 303) 12:30-1:20 Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, 11:30-12:20 Wednesdays, as well as by appointment. Or try your luck: just stop by and see whether my door is open. You may send me electronic mail at or call me at extension 7466. I'll try to put any updates to my office hours on my web page, so check there if in doubt.

World Wide Web

All course materials will be available through my World Wide Web page. The URL for this course is After this syllabus I will give hardcopy handouts only to those students who want them.


This course has MCS-178 and MCS-236 as prerequisites. In MCS-178 you previewed several topics we cover in this course: grammars, abstract syntax trees, evaluation, and the stack-oriented use of a computer's memory to support recursive procedure invocations. You also were introduced to object-oriented programming and Java, which we will review and build upon. From MCS-236, you should be comfortable with basic mathematical concepts and notations, such as sets, functions, and relations.

Text and readings

The primary text for this course is Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms, by Allen Tucker and Robert Noonan. Numerically specified readings in the syllabus refer to chapters and sections from this book. Approximately half the class days will be devoted to material not in the textbook; in several of these cases, I will distribute a supplemental reading or link it onto this syllabus.


There will be two intra-term tests as shown on the syllabus, and a final exam as scheduled by the registrar. If you have a conflict with a testing time, please contact me as soon as possible to make an alternative arrangement.

Exams will be closed-book and mostly closed-notes. You may, however, use a single 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper with hand-written notes for reference. (Both sides of the sheet are OK.)


Some days, shown in the syllabus, we will meet in the OHS 326 computer lab rather than in the usual classroom. Each lab has three lab days set aside for us to work together, but will also require you to spend additional time out of class.


You are expected to be familiar with the college academic honesty honor code policy, and to comply with that policy. If you have any questions about it, please ask. One specific requirement of that policy is that you write the following in full and sign it on every graded paper, i.e., on every lab report and exam:

On my honor, I pledge that I have not given, received, nor tolerated others' use of unauthorized aid in completing this work.

Mastery homework

The syllabus shows due dates for eight homework assignments; each will typically consist of a few problems. You must turn in all the problems in an assignment by that assignment's due date, but may turn in individual problems earlier if you wish. I will mark each problem as "mastered" or "not yet mastered," and return them to you as rapidly as I can. For those not yet mastered, I may write some brief indication of what area needs work, but you should really take these as an invitation to come talk. You may turn in a revised version of each problem (with the previous graded version attached) however many times it takes to reach the "mastered" point, even after the original due date. The only restrictions are these:

Note that if you turn in each homework problem as soon as you can do it, rather than saving them for the assignment due dates, you will have more opportunity for revision and resubmission before the cutoff dates listed above. Particularly for the last homeworks before each cutoff date (and test), I can't guarantee you'll have time for a revision cycle otherwise.

I may also announce an earlier cutoff date for any individual problem I consider important for us to discuss in class.

The homework portion of your course grade will simply be determined by the fraction of the homework problems you eventually mastered.

Late assignments

All lab assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day indicated. Late lab assignments will be penalized by one “grade notch” (such as A to A- or A- to B+) for each weekday late or fraction thereof. However, no late assignments will be accepted after graded assignments are handed back or solutions are distributed.

If you are too sick to complete an assignment on time, you will not be penalized. Simply write “late due to illness” at the top of the assignment, sign your name and hand it in. Other circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Grade changes

Please point out any arithmetic or clerical error I make in grading, and I will gladly fix it. You may also request reconsideration if I have been especially unjust.


The course components will contribute to your grade in the following proportion:

However, I reserve the right to subjectively adjust your final grade. Please see me if you have any question how you stand. Class participation is not graded; however, it allows you to find and repair the gaps in your understanding before doing the assignments, and thus can dramatically improve your grade. You are responsible for all course material, whether or not you are present when it was covered or distributed.

Style guidelines

All assignments should be readily readable and should not presuppose that I already know what you are trying to say. Use full English sentences where appropriate (namely almost everywhere) and clear diagrams, programs, etc. Remember that your goal is to communicate clearly and that the appearance of these technical items plays a role in this communication process. Be sure your assignments are always stapled together and that your name is always on them.


If you have a learning, psychological, or physical disability for which a reasonable accommodation can be made, I would be happy to refer you to the college's disability services coordinator and to cooperate in the accommodation process. It is generally best if this can be done as soon as possible.


In the reading column, section 0 means the material at the beginning of a chapter before the first section. This is my best guess as to the rate at which we will cover material. However, don't be shocked if I have to pass out one or more revised syllabi.

2/72.0-2.1Lexical analysis
2/8Review Java and Object-Oriented Programming
2/10Lab 1: Lexical analysis

2/13Review continued
2/142.2-2.4ParsingHW 1
2/15Lab 1 continued
2/17BrachaParametric polymorphism and Java collections

2/20Parametric polymorphism continued
2/21Parametric polymorphism continuedHW 2
2/22Lab 1 continued
2/243.0-3.1Type systems

2/27Composites and visitorsLab 1
2/28Visitors and multimethods
3/1No class (conference)
3/3No class (conference)

3/6Lab 2: Parsing
3/7Multimethods and open classes
3/8Review and catch-up
3/10Intra-term exam 1

3/13Lab 2 continued
3/143.2-3.3Operational semanticsHW 3
3/153.4.0-3.4.2Axiomatic semantics
3/173.4.4Axiomatic semantics continued

3/20Lab 2 continued
3/213.5-3.6Denotational semantics
3/224.0-4.3ExpressionsLab 2

4/34.6Scope, visibility, and lifetimeHW 4
4/44.7Method and parameter syntax
4/5Lab 3: Type checking
4/75.0-5.2.1Run-time memory

4/105.2.2&5.3Parameter passing and pointersHW 5
4/115.2.3Call and return
4/12Lab 3 continued

4/19Review and catch-up
4/21Intra-term exam 2

4/24Lab 3 continued
4/25WilsonGarbage collection
4/26Garbage collection continuedLab 3
4/28Garbage collection continued

5/1Lab 4: Interpretation
5/26Exception handlingHW 6
5/3Liskov&WingSubtyping, polymorphism, and inheritance
5/5Subtyping (etc.) continued

5/8Lab 4 continued
5/9Subtyping (etc.) continued
5/10Lab 4 continuedHW 7
5/12LaddadAspect-oriented programming

5/15Aspect-oriented programming continuedLab 4
5/16Aspect-oriented programming continued
5/17Review, catch-up, and evaluationHW 8

Course web site:
Instructor: Max Hailperin <>