Configuring DrScheme's indentation of define-record and variant-case

If you follow the book's example, all your define-record definitions will stay on a single line, and so the question of how subsequent lines are indented will be irrelevant. But if you should ever start a new line, for example
(define-record this-record-has-a-long-name
  (component1  ; a comment explaining component1
you'll find that DrScheme's default indentation is less than ideal (up through DrScheme 101: a change is forthcoming). What you can do is go to the Preferences panel under the Edit menu, select the Indenting category, and add define-record as a "lambda-like keyword."

The situation with variant-case is a little different. Not only does the book routinely break these into multiple lines (as it surely must), but also there is no way you can get DrScheme to indent them quite right. However, you can get close if you do two things:

  1. Add variant-case as a "lambda-like keyword," as described above.
  2. When you type in a variant-case expression, in each clause that you are going to split over multiple lines, start a new line after the type name that begins the clause, rather than only after the list of field names. For example, rather than page 81's
    (define leaf-sum
      (lambda (tree)
        (variant-case tree
          (leaf (number) number)
          (interior (left-tree right-tree)
            (+ (leaf-sum left-tree) (leaf-sum right-tree)))
          (else (error "leaf-sum: Invalid tree" tree)))))
    you would type
    (define leaf-sum
      (lambda (tree)
        (variant-case tree
          (leaf (number) number)
           (left-tree right-tree)
           (+ (leaf-sum left-tree) (leaf-sum right-tree)))
          (else (error "leaf-sum: Invalid tree" tree)))))
Notice the extra line break after interior.