// boundedbuf.h 
// This is a simple bounded buffer of ints intended to be used as a
// communication channel between threads.  It offers the extra feature
// that the producer can explicitly "shutdown" the buffer to indicate
// that no more ints will follow; the get procedure notices this and
// returns 0 (once the buffer has drained to empty) rather than waiting for
// more data to come.  This is used as a demonstration of locks and condition
// variables. -Max Hailperin <max@gac.edu> 9/23/96

#include "synch.h"

class BBuf{
  void put(int);
  void shutdown(); // signals no more values will be put
  int get(int&);  // returns 1 if a value was gotten, 0 if none is available
             //  and none ever will be; the value goes into the argument
  enum {size=10};
  int buf[size];
  int count;
  int nextRead, nextWrite; // index in buf for next read/write
  int shut; // 0 = more data might come
  Lock *lock; // used for mutual exclusion (monitor style)
  Condition *data; // signalled when there is data added to an empty buf
  Condition *space; // signalled when space becomes available in a full buf