When turning in a homework problem, be sure to indicate the exercise number. These will be the reference numbers I use in reporting back your standing on the homework.
Do exercise 6.3 on page 455.
Do exercise 6.4 on page 455.
Do exercise 6.15 from the "For More Practice" portion of the CD materials. Note that there are three errors in this exercise you should correct before doing the exercise:
In the second to last line of the first page of the problem, the phrase "the above sequence" refers to an instruction sequence that was actually shown five pages earlier:
add $4, $2, $3 sw $5, 4($2)
In the last line of the first page of the problem, replace "4 clock cycles" by "5 clock cycles".
In the top half of Figure 6.14.8, the right-most MUX (the one controlled by MemtoReg) has its inputs labeled backwards. The top input should be labeled 1 and the bottom input 0.
Do exercise 6.31 from the "For More Practice" portion of the CD materials.
Do exercise 6.32 from the "For More Practice" portion of the CD materials.
Instructor: Max Hailperin